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Apiculture Online-Hive Chat with NC State

Biweekly, one-hour honey bee discussions on YouTube. Each week includes Dr. David Tarpy and the following segments, Bees in season Special guest interview Trendy topics Viewer questions and panel answers

LW Parks Distinguished Lectureship in Microbiology


The LW Parks Distinguished Lectureship in Microbiology has been expanded to include a Diversity and Inclusion in Science session, ePoster sessions for anyone with microbiology or microbiology-related research to present,…

GES Write-In


This is an excellent opportunity for you to achieve those writing goals for the semester with like-minded individuals. People will work on their own projects at their own pace. We use…

Hemp Business Law CLE


A 2-hour online CLE on hemp business law . Topics will include: Updates on the NC Industrial Hemp Pilot Program FDA regulation of CBD & other cannabinoids Contracts & insurance…

GES Write-In

This is an excellent opportunity for you to achieve those writing goals for the semester with like-minded individuals. People will work on their own projects at their own pace. We use…

National 4-H Week- Tuesday

Join us in National 4-H week to highlight outstanding 4-H youth in your communities and exhibit all the experience that 4-H offers. Tune in Tuesday to hear stories from 4-H…