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Midweek with Mark: Underused and Unusual Hydrangeas for Gardens

Midweek with Mark: “Underused and Unusual Hydrangeas for Gardens” with Mark Weathington, JC Raulston Arboretum Director. There’s a lot more to hydrangeas than the old fashioned blue/pink ones. Species hydrangeas, funky colors, and flashy foliage really expand the palette for the garden.

Outstanding Plants for the Home Landscape [Online]

Accepting Registrations for Online Participants. Bryce Lane presents this is an eight-week course for the home gardener who wishes to improve their plant selection skills and increase their knowledge base about the many different plants they can choose for the landscape. Mondays, March 30 through May 18, 2020 – 6:30 pm–8:30 pm.

Outstanding Plants for the Home Landscape [Online]

Accepting Registrations for Online Participants. Bryce Lane presents this is an eight-week course for the home gardener who wishes to improve their plant selection skills and increase their knowledge base about the many different plants they can choose for the landscape. Mondays, March 30 through May 18, 2020 – 6:30 pm–8:30 pm.

Midweek with Mark: Living Art—Planting for Architectural Interest

“Living Art—Planting for Architectural Interest” with Mark Weathington, JC Raulston Arboretum Director. Specimen plants are usually selected for their flowers and foliage but form is often overlooked. Plants with extraordinary architecture add year-round interest to the landscape and provide a sculptural element that transforms a good garden to a great one.

Substrate Conditioning Influences Water Capture Efficiency

Substrate Conditioning Influences Water Capture Efficiency of Common Greenhouse Substrate Components Brian Schulker, MS Seminar Under the direction of Dr. Brian Jackson Thursday, April 30, 2020, 9:00 am Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 977 9130 9557; One tap mobile: 646 518 9805 US (New York) Abstract The dynamics of water use in horticultural substrates is…

Outstanding Plants for the Home Landscape [Online]

Accepting Registrations for Online Participants. Bryce Lane presents this is an eight-week course for the home gardener who wishes to improve their plant selection skills and increase their knowledge base about the many different plants they can choose for the landscape. Mondays, March 30 through May 18, 2020 – 6:30 pm–8:30 pm.

Midweek with Mark: Stunning Schefflera and Elegant Edgeworthia

“Stunning Schefflera and Elegant Edgeworthia Because the South Don’t Do Dormant ” with Mark Weathington, Director. There’s no reason to put the garden to bed for the winter in zone 7 gardens. Winter flowers, exciting evergreens, and low humidity make the winter one of the best times to garden in the south and with the influx of fascinating new plants, we ‘ve only scratched the surface of what can be done in the “off” season..

Apiculture Online: Hive Chat with NC State

Bi-weekly Zoom apiculture webinars, Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. Since most, if not all, local beekeeping chapters are not meeting in person, there is a real vacuum of opportunity to discuss issues related to apiculture and hive management. To help fill that void, we are offering regular, live webinars that will include seasonal management updates, interviews…