Holidays Got You Stressed? Take a Stress Management Course
The Faculty and Staff Assistance Program will offer a series of stress management webinars for employees during De-Stress Fest, which will take place Dec. 5-13.
CALS Workshop to Showcase Grant Development Process
CALS faculty are invited to a workshop on Dec. 6 highlighting the college's grant development and grant submission processes.
Chancellor’s Holiday Open House is Dec. 8
All NC State employees are invited to a reception with festive holiday food at the chancellor’s residence.
Assistant Director of CALS International Programs Reflects on the Joys of Global Learning
Adrienne Tucker, assistant director of CALS International Programs, talks about her winding road to international collaboration and her love of all things research.
CALS Launches New Inclusive Excellence Mini-Grant Program
The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences invites faculty, staff and students to apply for funding through the new Inclusive Excellence Mini-Grant program. The deadline for proposals is Nov. 27.
CALS Comm Workshop: Social Media Best Practices
Join CALS Communications on Nov. 16 for a workshop on social media best practices that will help you share your message in an engaging and creative way.
Give Back Through Wolfpack Gives Fall Campaigns
The NC State Staff Senate is hosting a winter coat, clothing and toy drive with drop-off locations across campus. The deadline to give is Dec. 8.
Ben Chapman Appointed to USDA Food Safety Committee
Ben Chapman, head of the Department of Agricultural and Human Sciences, has been appointed to the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods.
Welcome CALS New Hires
From research technicians and scholars to assistant Extension agents and program assistants, CALS welcomed 11 new employees during October. Let’s give a big Wolfpack welcome to the newest members of the CALS community!
CALS Faculty, Staff Reflect on Being First-Generation Students
In recognition of First-Generation Celebration Week, Nov. 6-10, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences is recognizing some of our faculty and staff members who were first-generation college students.