Horticulture WordPress Tutorials

Logging into department WordPress

  1. Go to the department website
  2. Scroll to the footer or bottom of the page
  3. Click the ‘Login’ link at the bottom of the third column
  4. Validate with your Unity ID (never share your password)

Hort Science footer login

Editing a department profile or webpage

  1. Log into the department website (instruction are above)
  2. Go to the department directory
  3. Navigate to your webpage
  4. Click ‘Edit Post’ found within the header, black utility bar

How to Edit Your Hort Science Webpage

NOTE: Most individuals may only revise the pages that they have been assigned as an author.

Web Calendars

There are several College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) and Department of Horticultural calendars managed by individuals for various functions, such as a conference meeting room. The department Google Calendar is a great way to communicate internal events shared amongst NC State peers. The department website hosts a separate WordPress-based calendar used to communicate events both externally and internally.

Google Calendar

Horticultural Science does have a Google Calendar that is only visible for NC State. When creating an internal event for the shared Google calendar, completely fill out the event information and include title, dates, times, locations, descriptions. Once complete, invite hortscience@ncsu.edu as an event guest.

Google Calendar adding an event guest field

NOTE: Attachments and images included in a Google Calendar event DO NOT import into the WordPress calendar.

Viewing Horticulture Google Calendar

To view Horticultural Science events, subscribe to the hortscience@ncsu.edu Google Calendar from your desktop Google Calendar web view, as seen below. Google also provides detailed instructions on how to add someone else’s Google calendar depending on your preferred platform and device.

Subscribe to a Google Calendar
Subscribing to someone else’s Google Calendar from the calendar web view.
Adding or subscribing to another Google Calendar from settings tab.
Adding or subscribing to another Google Calendar from the settings tab.


WordPress Calendars

Use the CALS to add an event form, to share and make events available to all departments within the college and often included in the weekly CALS Internal News.

Like CALS, the Horticultural Science website calendar must be curated for the public. Because the website calendar is managed using WordPress, it does not synchronize with the Google calendar events. To include an event on the WordPress calendar, email the event details to hortscience@ncsu.edu and allow 2 business days to appear.