Wolf sculpture on central campus.

Business and Financial Services

Fringe- How to calculate

The link will assist you in estimating the 2024-2025 fiscal year fringe cost of various positions when:

  • Budgeting on current funds.
  • Putting together proposals for funding requests

Fringe Benefits


2024-2025 Billing Cycle Calendar

PCard Standard Operating Procedures

Video Tutorials

Prior to Uploading your receipts: 

Documentation needed for each charge

  • Food/ Beverage: List of attendees, Agenda or Flyer and a AP107
  • Non employee travel  AP104
  • Scan documents into your computer and name file
  • In the PDF >Edit > Add text -Type on the Receipt: Please pay from (Project/Phase) and the justification of charge. Example:(used to research plant DNA)

To upload receipts to your PCard:

  • Go to [ MyPack Portal ]
  • Go to PCard Center
  • PCard Receipts
  • Fill in Merchant Name, Amount of Receipt and Business Purpose
  • Hit Upload and choose the PDF file

Missing PCard Receipt:

In the event a receipt is lost, please contact the place of purchase for a copy. If this is not possible then fill out the Missing PCard receipt form and upload to the PCard system. Please note this form should only be used if you have exhausted all avenues to obtain a copy of original.

Dispute a PCard Charge:

If you see a charge on your PCard that is incorrect or you have returned an item and the refund does not show in a billing cycle make an effort to dispute with the vendor first, if this does not work fill out the Bank of America Dispute form and fax to 888-678-6046.

Dispute PCard Charge

Billing Address for purchases:  NCSU 2721 Sullivan Drive, Campus Box 7212, Raleigh, NC  27695

Questions on PCards 

Purchase Card Staff.  Jill Dillion– PCard Administrator 919- 515-6133   jill_dillon@ncsu.edu.

Personal Reimbursement

Personal Reimbursement Form- Non Travel Reimbursements
To be reimbursed personally for a purchase made out of pocket.

Fill out CALS Personal reimbursement form  

  • If the reimbursement is for a Meal/Food or Beverage, a AP107 will need to be filled out
  • Provide a List of Attendees
  • Agenda or Seminar Flyer
  • Department Head or Designee Signature on AP107 and Reimbursement form
  • Deans Signature required if alcohol purchased.
  • Itemized receipts showing each meal with a  0.00 balance
  • If the supply is for your lab, state what the purpose is for the supply, why it is needed.

You can also find the Personal Expense Reimbursement and or AP107 at [ CALS Business Operations ]


  • Scan all documents  in to your computer
  • Download  Name and Create a PDF
  • Upload the document into Service Now for Payment
  • OR email the completed paperwork to Laurie Edwards  lfedwar3@ncsu.edu to submit for you.


Purchase Authorizations

Purchase Authorizations 

For a Quick PA overview on How to

A Purchase Authorization (PA) is

  • An Online authorization form that is found at CALS Business Center PA System
  • Faculty/staff use when purchasing supplies UNDER the amount of $5000.00
  • Not available on Marketplace and will not accept PCards

These vendors will only

  • Invoice for payment
  • Will not accept PCards for payment

Lab Techs or a designated person in each Lab will need to become familiar with Service Now to ensure PA invoices are being paid.

PA Invoice Payment Procedure

  • A Lab member will go into the PA system to obtain a PA number for a purchase under $5000.00.
  • Once the item(s) are received the Lab will go back into the PA system and show Item(s) received
  • The invoice should then be scanned into computer and made a PDF file
  • Add comments on the invoice: Please pay from (Project/Phase)
  • Upload the Invoice to Service Now for payment Service Now

Lab Techs or a designated person in each Lab will need to become familiar with Service Now to ensure PA invoices are being paid.


Things to Remember:

  • BEFORE using a vendor:
  • Please check to see if the supplier is in the supplier center. If a supplier is not listed in the supplier center, the vendor will need to be invited through Payment Works. 
  • Setting Up a New Supplier/Vendor ID 

    NC State is partnered with PaymentWorks, a third-party onboarding platform, that eliminates the risk of business payments fraud and ensures regulatory compliance by automating the complex payee management process. The Supplier Information Manual for Campus provides step-by-step instructions for initiating supplier invitations.

    To begin onboarding vendors external to the University, follow the instructions in Chapter 2:  Inviting Vendors to Connect.

  • The University requires supply purchases less than $250 to be made through MarketPlace. There may be instances when that is not possible and an invoice is necessary (i.e. unavailability of the supplies via MarketPlace, emergency need, or the supplier does not accept p-cards) we will work with purchasers in those instances.
  • Confirm with the supplier on how they will transmit their invoice (i.e. the CBO email address as listed on the PA or through the United Postal Service)

**The PA System is only utilized for generating a PA# for suppliers and departmental information for CBO processing.

**The PA System does NOT generate the invoice.

The invoice will need to be submitted to the CBO via email or mail for processing.



Service Now

Service Now is software used by CALS for submitting most all of the departments financial requests and communicates between the CALS Business Office and the user.

To submit the following for payment or requests go to this link:   https://ncsu.service-now.com/cboportal/?id=home

  • Various invoices for payment: (The Bold print are functions you may use.)
  • PA’s ( Purchase Authorizations)  Once the product is received in the PA system, then submit invoice for payment, If you fail to the invoice will go unpaid. 
  • Personal Reimbursements (Make sure appropriate paperwork and signatures are on request.)
  • SDC (Salary Distribution Change) See Laurie Edwards
  • Requisitions- to obtain a PO number on items over $ 5,000.00 See Jeff Jeff Gillikin
  • Sole Source letters for contracts See Jeff Gillikin
  • SAR Request See Laurie Edwards
  • IDT ( Interdepartmental Transfers) See Laurie Edwards
  • JV (Journal Vouchers) See Laurie Edwards
  • Purchase Order Invoice See Jeff Jeff Gillikin
  • WEX Card Request  See Laurie Edwards
  • Billing Request IDB/IDS See Laurie Edwards


The CBO Service Now will assist you in the following:

  • Documents & Forms website  https://cals.ncsu.edu/intranet/cals-business-operations/documents-forms/
  • How to Upload  the documents : attach the paperwork pdf
  • Information needed when submitting: see types above, i.e. Personal Reimbursement, PA Invoice.
  • Understanding the communication you will receive from the CALS Business Office, Once you submitted your document of request or payment
  • You will receive an email confirming it was received
  • You could also receive an email if there is a question or more documentation needed,
  • Final email when your request incident is complete.


Setting up Fed Ex Account in MarketPlace

MarketPlace FedEx Account Setup Instructions
To use the MarketPlace FedEx account:

A Supervisor will request  SAR access by -emailing Laurie Edwards at lfedwar3@ncsu.edu

  • The employees full name
  • Title of employee
  • Employee ID
  • Ask to have the employee set up as a MarketPlace shopper  and a MarketPlace shipper role in PeopleSoft for you.

Once the roles have been set up, usually within 24 hours you will need to update the My Profile section of MarketPlace with your Ship From Location and Billing Project ID for FedEx.

Please note:

You must add all of your labs grants, project and phases to the Fed Ex Account in order to be to charge to them.

If you have to add a grant, project/phase to the Fed Ex Shipping it will take 24 -48 hrs to update before you are able to use the grant/project.

To begin the My Profile setup process, follow the instructions below:
• Navigate to the My Profile section of MarketPlace in the MyPack Portal.

Financial System → MarketPlace → My Profile
• Scroll down to the section labeled FedEx.
• Verify the Contact Information and Order Details data and change any information that is
• Click on the box labeled FedEx to expand the pickup location.
• Click on the magnifying glass after the field to search for your location.
• In the drop down box after the Search by, click to change to Description.
• Type in the name of your building and click the yellow look up button.
• Find the room number of your location and click to insert.
• Go to the next section to select your billing project IDs.
• Click on the magnifying glass after the field to select a project ID.
• To add more project IDs, click on the blue + sign at the end of the project ID.
• Continue to add the any additional project IDs.
• Save. Click here for additional instructions.

For new users, 2-4 days after the My Profile section has been updated, you will receive an email with your
user name and password to begin using FedEx.
For updates or changes, 2-4 days after your My Profile section has been updated, the changes will be
reflected in your FedEx profile.



Travel Employee

This includes any employee that receives a check from NC State University:  If you are an employee and are not able to access the Travel system  please see Laurie Fuoco Edwards to gain access. 

University Travel Center  

CBO Before, During and After the Trip

Before Employee starts travel a Travel Authorization (TA) must be completed.

To obtain a Travel Authorization for Employees:

  • Go to [ MyPack Portal ]
  • Go to Employee Self Service tab then Travel Center tab
  •  Create Authorization, fill in the required information about your upcoming trip.  (Please note travel times can be changed after approval is given)
  • Upload any documents you have to show purpose of travel. (Conference Agenda)
  • Check Funding Source and make necessary changes if needed.
  • Submit for Approval
  • A  Travel Authorization Number (TA)  will be given, Use this number on any PCard charge purchased for travel.


To obtain a Travel Reimbursement for Employees: 

After travel is complete

  • Go to [ MyPack Portal ]
  • Go to Employee Self Service tab then Travel Center tab
  • Look in Recent Requests for your trip details
  • Click on Create Reimbursement
  • Scan in all receipts and save each as a PDF
  • Upload all documents and receipts
  • Input/Correct Reimburse Me Amounts
  • If any charges were put on a PCard, make note in comments: Paid with PCard
  • If changes are needed before reimbursement, click on the Authorization ID ( Starts with TA00). Make sure to Save



Travel Cash Advance

Form can be found at [ CALS Business Operations ]

  • AP102: Signed by Department Head or Designee
  • The Original completed form needs to be taken to Kimberly Martin in University Controllers Office.

NON Employee Travel Cash Advance: Follow instructions above


Current mileage reimbursement rates [ PDF ]

Non Marketplace Orders over $5,000.00

In order to purchase from a NON Marketplace Vendor
The following process must take place.
Requisition: A requisition is the formal request to purchase items from an outside vendor.
A requisition is required in order for a Purchase Order (PO) to be processed by University Procurement.
Non-Marketplace: A requisition request for items above $5,000 that cannot be purchased on Marketplace.
There are different types of requisition requests-
1. Sole Source
2. Out for Bid
3. Blanket requisitions
4. Confirming Order
Sole Source: A “sole source” purchase means that only one supplier (source), to the best of the requester’s knowledge and belief, based upon thorough research is capable of delivering the required product or service. Similar types of goods and services may exist, but only one supplier, for reasons of expertise, and / or standardization, quality, compatibility with existing equipment, specifications, or availability, is the only source that is acceptable to meet a specific need. Use this option for Independent Contractor requests.
Sole Source Action: On University letterhead, write the reasons stated above why item(s) should be purchased from this vendor. Include in the letter that Dr. Robert G. Franks approves this transaction.
The letter requires Faculty Member Signature and Department Head Signature.
Once complete with signatures, email the quote and the letter to Jeff Gillikin at jeff_gillikin@ncsu.edu
Sole Source Approval Time:  Allow 3 to 4 weeks  for the approval of the purchase from University Purchasing Department.
Once it is approved and the Purchasing Department receives required  information  from the Vendor the order will be processed.
Out for Bid: This indicates that the department with a need for a certain good or service would like University Procurement to place the good or service for vendors to bid on or provide their best pricing for. University Procurement will allow vendors to bid on the good or service and select the best price that matches the department’s need.
Out for Bid Action: 
Out for Bid Approval Time Frame : Up to 8 Weeks
Blanket Requisition: A blanket requisition is a request that the customer is places to allow for multiple reoccurring orders be approved by University Procurement with a specific vendor.
Blanket Requisition Action: 
Blanket Requisition Approval Time Frame: 
Confirming Order: A requisition where the purchase has been made without pre-approval from University Procurement, this would include emergency repair or services.

Travel Non Employees

Travel Reimbursement for non-paid Students and Non-Employees:

Check to see if Non Employee is listed as a vendor in our system.

Go to MYPACK Portal

Financials Systems

Voucher and Supplier Maintenance

Supplier Information: Enter Vendor/Non Employee Name

If information comes up, Copy the Supplier number, This is what you will enter on all the forms where it asks for Vendor ID.

If there is NO Vendor number, Proceed with setting up a New supplier/Vendor through PaymentWorks.

Setting Up a New Supplier/Vendor ID for Non Employee Travel

NC State is partnered with PaymentWorks, a third-party onboarding platform, that eliminates the risk of business payments fraud and ensures regulatory compliance by automating the complex payee management process. The Supplier Information Manual for Campus provides step-by-step instructions for initiating supplier invitations.

To begin onboarding vendors external to the University, follow the instructions in Chapter 2:  Inviting Vendors to Connect.

EMPLOYEES: Active employees who receive a payment, such as a reimbursement, require a Supplier ID. Inactive employees who wish to be an independent contractor must wait until the new calendar year after termination to request a Supplier ID. To begin onboarding an employee as a supplier, follow the instructions listed in Chapter 5:  Onboarding Employees.

STUDENTS: Active students who receive a payment from NC State must have a Supplier ID. Please note that changes to student personal data or banking information must be made through the Student Homepage > Personal Information.

If your new supplier needs help navigating PaymentWorks here is a manual exclusively for our vendors to use to help them with this navigation.  Supplier Information Manual for Vendors.

Helpful Links:  Supplier Onboarding

Helpful Information:  Video Links


ALL NON Employee Travel where a reimbursement will be paid to the non employee is submitted through the Travel Center as a (TR) Travel Reimbursement.

PLEASE NOTE: FOOD to non employee  is done in TR as a Per Diem. If Non employee had meals provided to them you must EXCLUDE the meals in the meal section of the TR. Non employee will not be reimbursed with food receipts.

Forms required and must be filled out in advance: Ap104 and Travel Reimbursement Data Collection

Forms can be found on the CBO Website at [ CALS Business Operations ]   or click on links below and download forms.


To Obtain Reimbursement for Student or Non Employee

Once Travel is complete and the student or non employee traveler WILL NEED TO BE REIMBURSED

  • Vendor ID Number
  • Make sure all forms are filled out and signed by appropriate parties
  • Gather all receipts from the Non employee needed for reimbursement
  • Include a copy of  the Agenda or Seminar flyer
  • Make sure the Funding Source is correct on forms
  • Scan in all the forms above, any receipts and agenda and make a PDF file with name of Non employee
  • Upload to The Travel Center

IF Non employee travel was paid for in advance with a NC State PCard

Forms required for PCard 

  • Copy of  the Receipt: With Please pay from (Project/Phase)
  • AP104 : Must be signed by Department Head or by whom ever is funding the travel.
  • Agenda or Seminar flyer