American Society for Horticultural Science 2024 Conference Awards and Honors

NC State’s Department of Horticultural Science had an incredible presence at the American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS) annual conference held in Honolulu, Hawaii from September 23-27, 2024 with 11 graduate students, 5 faculty, 1 extension associate and 5 research scholars sharing their research and information through posters and talks.
Graduate Student Awards, Topics and Titles
Annie Vogel (oral presentation): Prohexadione Calcium Does Not Affect Thinning Efficacy of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic Acid in ‘Golden Delicious’
Madison Love (poster presentation): Facilitating Pollinator Conservation in Agriculture: Understanding Grower Needs in Obtaining IPM Certification
James Duduit (oral presentation): Functional Characterization of a Candidate Bacterial Wilt Resistance Gene in Tomato
Amanda Solliday (oral presentation): Sustainability Beliefs and Practices in the United States Floriculture Industry
Stuart Michel (oral presentation): Watermelon Cultigen Yield Response to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum Incidence in North and South Carolina, USA
André Truter (First place, oral floriculture competition): Stratification Significantly Reduces the Phytotoxic Effects of Fresh Hardwood
Patrick Veazie (Second place, oral floral competition): The Use of Machine Learning to Develop Refined Foliar Tissue Analysis Standards and Diagnostic Tools for Petunia
Controlled Environment Agriculture Recognition
Four of our students, past and present, earned spots in the Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) competition, with all talks focused on strawberry propagation and production.
Moein Moosavi-Nezhad (Honorable mention, oral presentation): Unraveling Strawberry Stock Plant Architecture, Morphology, and Tips’ Spatial Distribution under Three Photoperiods to Facilitate Future Propagation System Design: A Comparative Study on Monterey as a Long-day Cultivar
Brandan Shur (Honorable mention, oral presentation): Stratified Wood Substrates for Optimizing Growth of Greenhouse-Grown Strawberries and Blueberries
Michael Palmer (Second place, oral presentation): Impact of Diurnal Chilling on Vegetative and Floral Development of Strawberry (Fragaria x annanassa) cvs. ‘Albion’, ‘Chandler’, ‘Monterey’, ‘Sensation’ Tray Plants in a Controlled Environment
Samson Humphrey (First place, oral presentation): Impact of Elevated CO2 and Two Daily Light Integrals on the Production Efficiency of Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa ‘Monterey’) Daughter Plants
Additional Awards and Honors
Brianna Haynes won second place in the Ulysses Prentiss Hedrick Student Awards competition and was honored with the Chad Finn Ambassador Award as the Designated Student Travel Recipient (American Pomological Society)
Patrick Veazie accepted the Chad Finn Ambassador Award on behalf of Penny Perkins-Veazie.
We’re incredibly proud of our students’ accomplishments and contributions to advancing horticultural science!
Faculty, Research Scholars and Extension Associate Presenters and Titles
John Dole (oral presentation): FFAR Fellows: Opportunities for Horticulture PhD Students; (oral presentation): Seed Your Future Horticultural Salary Survey; (oral presentation): Horticultural and Plant Science Undergraduate Enrollment Summary Based on Food and Agricultural Education Information System (FAEIS) Data; (oral presentation): Extended Storage of Cut Flowers Using Sub-zero Temperature
Gina Fernandez (presenter, student activities): Why not us? Why you should attend the Department of Horticultural Science at NCSU for graduate studies
Liz Driscoll and Remi Ham (oral presentation): Cultivating Connections: Empowering Professionals through NC Farm to School Training Initiative
Lucy Bradley and Charlotte Glen (Extension Education Materials Award): Consumer Horticulture Introductory Newsletter Series
Lucy Bradley (2024 Outstanding Extension Horticulture Educator)
Melinda Knuth (interest group session): Using Applied Economics to Explore the Many Facets of Adding Value to the Horticultural Industry; (poster presentation): Learning Outcomes in Floral Design
Cristiane da Silva (poster presentation): Understanding Photoperiod Effects on Seed and Seedling Quality in Soybean Speed Breeding; (oral presentation): Soybean Speed Breeding: Optimizing Photoperiod for Maximizing Yield and Minimizing Time
Angel Cruz (oral presentation): Creating a Sustainable Vegetable Production Registered Apprenticeship Program: A Review of Curriculum Development and Lessons Learned; (moderator, panel): Local Food Systems; (oral presentation): Diverse Internships as an Opportunity to Engage Underrepresented Students Into Local Food Systems
Jonathan Schultheis (oral presentation): Canary Melons Cultigen Yield and Quality Evaluations in North Carolina, 2023
Kedong Da (oral presentation): Leaf Culture and Regeneration in Two Cultivated Strawberries; (oral presentation): Leaf Culture and Regeneration in Hydrangea Macrpphylla; (poster presentation): Tissue Culture and Regeneration of Miscanthus Sinensis ‘Gracillimus’
Melissa Munoz (oral presentation): Effects and Interactions of Water Stress and Rootstock on Physiological Responses and Ambrosia Beetle Colonization of Apple Trees
Ibraheem Olamide Olasupo (oral presentation): Impact of Artificial Chilling on Yields of Indoor-Propagated Strawberry Plants in California, Florida, and North Carolina