Ken Pollock
Ph.D., Cornell University Biometrics (1974)
Research Interests
Sampling Theory and Survey Methodology especially for Angler Surveys
I am particularly interested in recreational fishing surveys at large spatial scales involving the use of telephone diary techniques and aerial surveys. I am also interested in the use of remote cameras and other high tech approaches to assess recreational fishing activity.
Sampling of Wildlife and Fisheries Populations
One current interest is capture-recapture sampling and especially using photo-identification methods to estimate demographic parameters for marine mammals. The use of the robust design to allow for unequal catchability and temporary emigration has been a long term interest. The use of tag-recapture, tag-return and telemetry methods to study population demography has been another long term interest. The separation of detection probability components especially in sampling bird populations using point counts has also been another long term interest joint with my colleague Ted Simons.
Web Resources
Selected Publications (last 5 years)
Friedl, S. E., Buckel, J. A., Hightower, J.E., Scharf, F.S., and K. H. Pollock. (2013). Telemetry-based mortality estimates of juvenile spot in two North Carolina estuarine creeks. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142, 399-415.
Smallwood, C.B., Pollock, K.H., Wise, B.S., Hall, N.G. and Gaughan, D.J. (2012). Expanding roving-aerial surveys to include counts of recreational shore fishers from remotely-operated cameras: benefits, limitations and cost effectiveness. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32, 1265-1276.
Beasley, I.L., K. Pollock, T.A. Jefferson, P. Arnold, L. Morse, S. Yim, S. Lor Kim and H.Marsh. (2012). Likely extirpation of another Asian river dolphin: the Critically Endangered population of the Irrawaddy Dolphin in the Cambodian Mekong River is small and declining. Marine Mammal Science. (Online).
Cannell, B., Pollock, K. H., Bradley, S. ,Wooller, R., Sherwin, W., and J. Sinclair (2011). Augmenting Mark-Recapture with point counts to estimate the abundance of Little Penguins on Penguin Island, Western Australia. Journal of Wildlife Research 38: 491-500.
Wen, Z., K. H. Pollock, J. D. Nichols,and P. Waser (2011). Augmenting Superpopulation, Capture–Recapture Models with Population Assignment Data. Biometrics 67: 691-700.
Jun Yoshizaki, Cavell Brownie, Kenneth H. Pollock, William A. Link (2011). Modeling errors that results from use of genetic tags in capture-recapture studies. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 18:27-55.