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Ámbar and Ryan Awarded at Southern Division American Fisheries Society

Congratulations to Ámbar Torres Molinari and Ryan Tharp for their recognitions at the 2023 Southern Division American Fisheries Society meeting in Norfolk, Virginia.

Ámbar was awarded the Best Student Presentation for her work, “Population Characteristics and Parasites of American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) in Puerto Rico.” Ámbar is a recent graduate from Applied Ecology, earning her M.Sc. in the Fall of 2022. She was supervised by Jaime Collazo and the late Tom Kwak.

“The American Fisheries Society ha jugado un papel muy importante en mi vida profesional y personal,” says Torres. “Esto hace que este premio sea aún mas especial. Estoy muy agradecida de haberlo recibido. El trabajo que realizé en los ríos de Puerto Rico es de gran impacto para la población total de Anguilas Americanas. Me emociona mucho poder compartir nuestros hallazgos luego de muchos años de trabajo fuerte junto a un excelente grupo de técnicos de campo, colegas, mis mentores y comité. Todos mis logros habidos y por venir son dedicados a mi amigo y mentor, Tom Kwak y su familia.”

Ryan was awarded Best Student Presentation – Runner Up! for “Fine-scale movements and habitat use of recreationally important reef fishes at North Carolina artificial reefs.” Ryan is studying for his M.Sc with Jeff Buckel.

“Thank you to the SDAFS for the award,” says Tharp. “I feel honored and privileged to have received it! And a big thank you to my advisor, Jeff Buckel, for his guidance throughout the project.”

Congratulations, both!

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