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10 CALS Faculty Named 2022-23 Goodnight Early Career Innovators

NC State belltower on a sunny day

10 assistant professors from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences were named to the 2022-2023 class of Goodnight Early Career Innovators. This program recognizes and rewards promising NC State early-career faculty whose scholarship is in STEM or STEM education. Recipients of the award will receive $22,000 ­for each of the next three years to support their scholarship and research endeavors.

Eligible faculty must be tenure-track assistant professors at the time of nomination, and their scholarship must clearly and substantively contribute to innovations and advancement in STEM or STEM education. Nominees were evaluated based on evidence of early productivity in research and innovation, which may include a strong early record of scholarly publication or dissemination appropriate to their discipline, external funding or recognition as an early career leader in their field.

Nominees were recommended by their colleges and selected by a committee of distinguished faculty from across the STEM disciplines at NC State.

Meet this year’s class of Goodnight Early Career Innovators from CALS:

See NC State’s news release for more information about the Goodnight Early Innovators Award program and other winners.

This post was originally published in College of Agriculture and Life Sciences News.

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