Lucille (Luci) Bearon, PhD, CFLE
Associate Professor, Emerita
Adult Development/ Aging Specialist
512 Brickhaven Drive 210M
Dr. Luci Bearon, a social gerontologist, received a Ph.D. in sociology from Duke University in conjunction with its Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development. She has been in the field of aging for over 40 years. Her research, publications and service have focused on improving attitudes, beliefs and expectations about aging, encouraging the lifelong engagement and contributions of elders, making innovations in gerontology education and expanding education and support for family caregivers. As an Associate Professor and Extension Specialist in Adult Development/Aging at NC State, she provides technical assistance and educational support to county Extension educators who teach the public about successful and healthy aging, eldercare and grandparents raising grandchildren. Dr. Bearon teaches YFCS524 Gerontology in Family Life Education. She represents NC Cooperative Extension on the Governor’s Advisory Council on Aging, is a Fellow of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education and received the 2011 Applied Gerontologist Award from the Southern Gerontological Society.
Programs and Initiatives
- Vital aging: Sharing positive perspectives about aging through Extension programming; developing strategies to educate professionals and the public in gerontological literacy, reducing ageism and improving health and well-being in later life
- Family caregiving/eldercare: Teaching self-care strategies and resource-finding skills for family members proving care to older adults
- Grandparents raising grandchildren: Creating awareness and helping families cope with the challenges of parenting a new generation
Contributing Websites
Area(s) of Expertise
- Attitudes, beliefs and expectations about aging
- Lifelong engagement and contributions of older adults
- Education for family caregivers
- 30 lessons for living: Tried and true advice from the wisest Americans , Gerontologist (2014)
- Translating Weight Loss and Physical Activity Programs Into the Community to Preserve Mobility in Older, Obese Adults in Poor Cardiovascular Health , ARCHIVES OF INTERNAL MEDICINE (2011)
- Weight Loss and Self-Regulatory Eating Efficacy in Older Adults: The Cooperative Lifestyle Intervention Program , JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY SERIES B-PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES (2011)
- Cross-Professional Partnerships: Innovation in Continuing Education for Social Workers and Extension Educators , Educational Gerontology (2007)
- Preventing food-borne illness in food service establishments: Broadening the framework for intervention and research on safe food handling behaviors , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH (2007)
- Extending the reach of nutrition education for older adults: Feasibility of a Train-the-Trainer approach in congregate nutrition sites , JOURNAL OF NUTRITION EDUCATION AND BEHAVIOR (2002)
- Profiling rural southern congregate nutrition site participants: Implications for designing effective nutrition education programs , Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly (2002)
- Reaching older adults with nutrition education: Lessons learned during the partners in wellness pilot project , Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly (2001)
- Personal functional goals: A new approach to assessing patient-centered outcomes , JOURNAL OF APPLIED GERONTOLOGY (2000)
- Societal mechanisms for maintaining competence in old age , CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGY-A JOURNAL OF REVIEWS (1998)