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Sep 11, 2023

Merging Football and Life Coaching: A Conversation with Alec Cobb

As life coaching continues to grow, learn how NC State football offensive graduate assistant and YFCS graduate student, Alec Cobb, is using it on the football field. 

Aug 18, 2023

Helping Cultures Survive and Children Thrive

YFCS alumnus Amma Gatty's beliefs lie at the core of her engagement with youth as the Founder and Executive Director of Culture Encounters. Learn more about her journey through the AHS alumni spotlight. 

Aug 4, 2023

Community and Connection in Barcelona and the Camino de Santiago

Fostering Intercultural Competence, Personal Growth, and Global Understanding. Learn more about the first study-aboard program offered by the Department of Agricultural and Human Sciences. 

Jul 28, 2023

Empowering Families and Communities Through Family Science

Transforming Lives through Family Science: Sudha Sankar's Journey from Combating Violence to Empowering Communities and Students. 

May 24, 2023

YFCS Alumni Haskett Earns CFLE

Brittni Haskett, a YFCS alumni, recently earned her CFLE credential. Read her journey as a military wife to a family life educator. 

Apr 26, 2023

Gonzalez Receives Chancellor’s Creating Community Award

Dr. Maru Gonzalez was recently awarded the Outstanding Faculty Award for the Chancellor's Creating Community Award for her commitment to the advancement of diversity and inclusion at NC State. 

Apr 17, 2023

Miranda Parks: YFCS Student Shaping Minds and Hearts

Meet YFCS masters student Miranda Parks and learn how a passion for her work started with a part-time job and grew into a career path. 

Apr 14, 2023

Webinar Series Featuring AHS Faculty

Learn about a new webinar series featuring AHS faculty member Dr. Maru Gonzalez and former YFCS program director, Dr. Kim Allen. 

Apr 10, 2023

Earning Your BCC certificate through YFCS

Learn how to become a board certified coach (BCC) through the YFCS program. 

Feb 22, 2023

Dr. Rachel Monteverdi: Against All Odds

YFCS alumni, Dr. Rachel Monteverdi, discusses the obstacles she had to work through to have a successful career and how NC State prepared her.