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AHS Students Receive American FFA Degree

At the 2023 National FFA Organization Convention and Expo, the Department of Agricultural and Human Sciences celebrated a significant achievement as nine of our students were conferred with the prestigious American FFA Degrees. The remarkable individuals who attained this notable honor are Madison Aloia, Erin Bryan, Anna Beth Harris, Katie Harris, Gracean Hoesli, Hannah Houk, Sydney Loflin, Kennedy Odom, Laci Rozier and Dylan Tucker.

The National FFA Organization stands as a prominent school-based youth leadership development organization, boasting a membership of 946,000 student participants across 9,163 local FFA chapters spanning every state in the United States, including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

The American Degree, the highest accolade bestowed by the National FFA, symbolizes an exceptional accomplishment in the world of agricultural education. To merit this esteemed recognition, students must have already secured the State FFA Degree, exhibited active participation in the FFA for a continuous three-year period, excelled in a supervised agricultural experience (SAE), contributed to community service and leadership endeavors, and maintained a commendable academic record. It’s a noteworthy fact that less than 1% of FFA members are selected to receive the American FFA Degree.

Serving as the apex of recognition within the National FFA Organization, the American FFA Degree serves as a testament to the unwavering commitment of its recipients to their local chapters and state FFA associations. Moreover, it showcases the tremendous dedication members invest in their supervised agricultural experiences, while also highlighting their exceptional leadership qualities and meaningful community engagement throughout their FFA journeys.

We extend our congratulations to these outstanding students for their remarkable accomplishments. As they embark on their journeys at NC State and beyond, we wish them continued success, confident that they will continue to excel and make significant contributions to the field of agriculture and beyond.

Madison Aloia

  • Classification: Senior
  • Degree: Agricultural Science
  • Future Plans: I plan to work either in agricultural communications or agricultural policy.
  • Quote: Earning my American Degree is the closing of my time in FFA, but just the beginning of my future in agriculture. It serves as a reminder that hard work pays off and that with enough determination you can achieve anything.

Erin Bryan

  • Classification: Sophomore
  • Degree: Agricultural Science
  • Future Plans: Graduate from North Carolina State University with a degree in Agriculture Science and start a career in the agriculture industry.
  • Quote: The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.

Anna Beth Harris

  • Classification: Senior
  • Degree: Agricultural Science with an Animal Science concentration, minors in Animal Science & Extension Education
  • Future Plans: I plan on teaching in a local high school agriculture classroom or serving as a Cooperative Extension agent near my hometown of Taylorsville, NC.
  • Quote: I am very grateful for the opportunities & experiences that were available to me as a high school student. I owe a great thanks for the encouragement of great mentors, including my FFA advisors, 4-H agents, family, & Agriculture and Human Sciences department employees for preparing me as an American Degree recipient.

Katie Harris

  • Classification: Junior
  • Degree: Agricultural Science
  • Future Plans: I am exploring my options within cooperative extension and plan to pursue a masters degree in the future.
  • Quote: As the highest degree in the national FFA, I am beyond grateful to receive my American FFA degree. I often found this achievement threatening. If not for the support of my past and present mentors, I would have never been able to attain this great achievement.

Gracean Hoesli

  • Classification: Senior
  • Degree: Agricultural Education
  • Future Plans: Teach High school animal science
  • Quote: Earning an American Degree is a great accomplishment that shows the efforts of thousands of young adults who continue to work as the agriculture leaders of tomorrow.

Sydney Loflin

  • Classification: Sophomore
  • Degree: Agricultural Education
  • Future Plans: I would love to work in agricultural communications or environmental education. My overall goal is to help others cultivate an appreciation and excitement for agriculture and the natural world.
  • Quote: I am grateful for all the individuals that have supported me and helped me achieve a goal I have had since middle school. Obtaining this degree would not have been possible without their dedication and care for me as a student, FFA member, and person.

Kennedy Odom

  • Classification: Senior
  • Degree: Agricultural Science with minors in Horticulture and BAET
  • Future Plans: I plan to teach high school agriculture education
  • Quote: Receiving the FFA American degree is a huge honor! In high school I never thought I would be able to get my State degree let alone my American degree. I blame my success on my family, my high school agriculture teacher, Mrs. Cox, and all of the amazing staff across the AHS department at NC State. Go Wolfpack!

Laci Roizer

  • Classification: Sophomore
  • Degree: Agricultural Education
  • Future Plans: My future plans are to become an Agricultural Education teacher to impact and inspire young minds the way that my Ag teachers did for me.
  • Quote: After all my years of hard work and dedication to my SAE it feels amazing to be among the 1% of members who earn the American Degree.

Dylan Tucker

  • Classification: Sophomore
  • Degree: Agricultural Science
  • Future Plans: To earn my master’s degree in Agricultural Extension & Education
  • Quote: Immerse yourself in the outdoor experience. It will cleanse your soul and make you a better person.” – Fred Bear