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Checking Out the Bench Bots

The Bench Bots seen by the N.C. PSI Agent Network are designed to move across a field taking photos that are used to train AI algorithms to recognize crop plants, weeds and other organisms in agricultural fields.

Group standing in a field with machinery behind them.

As part of their work to beta test technologies to accelerate their adoption on farms across the state, the North Carolina Plant Sciences Initiative Agent Network got the chance to check out the Precision Sustainable Agriculture’s Bench Bot v3 at the North Carolina State University’s Plant Science Building greenhouse and its earlier model at the university’s Horticulture Field Lab.
There are currently 15 Cooperative Extension agents in the network, and more will be added over the course of the year. These agents participate in monthly Zoom meetings to discuss technologies and production needs in North Carolina and host PSI-developed technology outreach events in their counties.
The Bench Bots they saw are designed to move across a field taking photos that are used to train AI algorithms to recognize crop plants, weeds, and other organisms in agricultural fields. Recognition is the first step to plant performance mapping and detection of pests and other stressors. That information can be used for decision support tools for farmers, and in the future it will support AI for robots.
Thanks to the North Carolina Soybean Producers Association, the Corn Growers Association of North Carolina and the North Carolina Small Grain Growers Association, as well as the private and public donors who have contributed to the network’s efforts.