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Dee Shore

Student and professor in a cucumber field with a spider-like robot.

Jul 18, 2024

Spider Robot to Help Untangle Cucumber Disease

An NC State engineer and plant pathologist aim to help growers get ahead of a devastating cucumber disease with the development of a new spider-like robot. 

Suite with offices, desks and a person at a whiteboard

Jul 17, 2024

Innovation Hub Welcomes New Members

The North Carolina Plant Sciences Initiative’s Innovation Hub welcomed five new companies as members in 2023-24. In total, nine companies are now using the hub to build relationships with the… 

David Ellison in a data center

Jul 16, 2024

Lenovo’s AI Discovery Lab Leader Discusses AI in Ag

When Lenovo’s David Ellison visited North Carolina State University’s Plant Sciences Building back in May, he was intrigued to learn how important advanced information technology is becoming to farming. Now,… 

Eli Hornstein in science lab in front of a computer.

Jul 15, 2024

From Conservationist to Ag Biotech Entrepreneur

CALS alumnus Eli Hornstein is using biotechnology to produce plants that farmers can feed to cattle to reduce their methane production. 

Two men standing beside a large bench-shaped robot.

Jun 13, 2024

N.C. PSI Advances AI for Agriculture

At NC State University, the N.C. Plant Sciences Initiative is leading efforts aimed at helping producers put artificial intelligence to work for increased yields, efficiency and sustainability. Two new tools will… 

NC State belltower on a sunny day

Jun 10, 2024

CERSA Workshops Help Inform Regulatory Reform

With companies developing more crop-protecting treatments using techniques such as CRISPR genome editing, the time is right for reform of federal policies that govern these products, says the director of… 

Large group of people in a building

May 23, 2024

Tour Brings Extension Agents to Ag Tech Startups

A recent training on emerging agricultural technology companies has sparked ideas for North Carolina Cooperative Extension agents who see value in learning about those companies as they work to support… 

Woman holding an electronic sensor while three men look on.

May 10, 2024

Makerspace Magic With Andrea Monteza

Where do you go when you need parts for a robot that can walk through cucumber vines without getting tripped up as it monitors the air for disease spores? A… 

Students at a table demonstrating their seed size collection machine.

Apr 29, 2024

NC State Students Pair Machine Learning, Robotics To Improve Ag Research

Thanks in large part to a student-developed machine that can “see” and sort seeds by size, a new NC State University project could shed more light on how seed sizes influence… 

Adrian Percy addresses a crowd from a podium

Apr 16, 2024

N.C. Plant Sciences Initiative Launches Startup Incubator and Seed2Grow Program

The N.C. Plant Sciences incubator provides lab and office space for emerging companies taking discoveries from plant sciences research and turning them into marketable solutions for agriculture and the environment.