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Spring 2025 PMB Seminars

Seminars are held in 3503 Thomas Hall - Stephens Room, from 4:00-5:00 pm, unless otherwise stated. View our events calendar here. Check back periodically for added seminars.
We also list presentations in the Microbiomes and Complex Microbial Communities cluster, a Chancellor's Faculty Excellence Program. These are labeled as "(M^3)".

2/6Samantha Kisthardt & Dr. Abigail Gancz(M^3)Clostridium hiranonis protects mice from C. difficile infection while Clostridium scindens does not” and “Lipidomic Interrogation of Fecal Microbiota Transplantations in Cases of Recurrent C. difficile Infection”Theriot
2/18Dr. Robert GastaldoDepartment of Geology, Colby College“What is the probability of an intact, 3-dimensionally preserved large plant in deep time?”Mickle
3/18Dr. Nate Korth
Crop & Soil Science, NC State
“A case for GERMs – Genotype by Environment by Rhizosphere Microbiome interactions – to uncover microbiome mediation of crop resilience”Choudoir
3/25Dr. Steve AllisonDept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of California Irvine“Harnessing Microbiomes in a Changing Climate”Sihi
4/3Adam Breister and Bella Borrero(M^3)“Agricultural Soil Microbiome Responses to Rapid Carbon Infusion” and “Biostimulant Efficacy and Crop Resistance to Abiotic Stress”Choudoir
4/18Parks Micro Lecture: Dr Gisela StorzNIH Distinguished Investigator“TBA”MBGSA Students
4/15Dr. Dwi Susanti, Senior DirectorSenior Director, BioEdit“Harnessing Rumen Microbiome to Mitigate Enteric Methane Emissions and Enhance Livestock Productivity”Zhe Lyu
5/1Dr. Shyamla Peddada(M^3)“TBA”
6/5Dr. Daniel Sprockett, (M^3) Assistant Professor, Wake Forest UniversityCallahan

View past seminar recordings here.