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Jim Mickle

Professor Emeritus

Thomas Hall 4550B


My research has focused mainly on “whole-plant” taxonomy of fossil plants, conifer taxonomy and phylogeny, growth and development in fossil plant vegetative organs, angiosperm fossil fruits, taxonomy and biogeography of Carboniferous and Cretaceous plants, and cuticular micromorphology of living cycads. I have concentrated my research on fossil plants from eastern North America and southern Europe, and have been involved in extensive museum work with the University of Naples Botanical Garden in Naples, Italy.

Courses Taught:

  • PB 200 Plant Life
  • PB 544 Plant Geography
  • PB 545 Paleobotany
  • PB 400 Plant Structure and Diversity (Spring)
  • BIO 185 General Biology


Ph.D. Botany Ohio University 1983

M.S. Botany Ohio State University 1978

B.S. Botany Ohio State University 1976

Area(s) of Expertise

Paleobotany and Plant Morphology


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