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international programs

Jul 28, 2011

Croatian university representative visits CALS

A new relationship between N.C. State’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and a Croatian university offers opportunities for CALS students. N.C. State recently signed a memorandum of understanding with University of Zagreb in the Croatian capital, and in July, Ivana Prosinecki of Zagreb’s International Relations Office visited N.C. State to share information about what the university could offer for students here. 

May 10, 2011

Caitlin Lowe: Off to great places

When Caitlin Lowe came to N.C. State University four years ago, she never imagined the places she’d go or how those travels would influence her future. But now, with her head full of brains and her shoes full of feet, as Dr. Seuss would put it, the graduating senior is off to graduate school with the determination to make a difference when it comes to agricultural policy and international development. 

Nov 30, 2010

Costa Rica faculty visit Chatham farms

Two faculty members from University of Costa Rica recently visited farms in Chatham County in November, as part of an information exchange with scientists at N.C. State University and N.C. A&T State University. Photos of the visit are available on Debbie Roos's Growing Small Farms website. 

Sep 17, 2010

CALS tour brings Central America to plant pathology students

Bridget Lassiter, a Ph.D. student in crop science, describes her experience traveling to Costa Rica as part of a class on tropical agriculture and plant pathology. 

Apr 29, 2010

Ellen Orabone: Stopping World Hunger

Senior food science student Ellen Orabone's career goal: to end world hunger. Study abroad experiences have taken her to farflung places and given her experience working on food- and hunger-related issues.