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Feb 10, 2012

Bringing science to life

It’s an exciting time in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, a time when researchers are rapidly advancing our understanding of plants, animals, people and the world they live in – and a time when this knowledge is generating innovative solutions to some of the greatest challenges that face our state, nation and world. 

Feb 3, 2012

Cleaning up fuels of the past

While N.C. State University researchers work to create next-generation fuels, Dr. Michael Hyman examines the opposite of a fuel’s lifecycle, studying how microbes in the soil can degrade gasoline components. And that work has important implications for cleaning up spills and protecting groundwater from contamination. 

Feb 3, 2012

A two-way street

Just a few days after Vickie Wilson defended her Ph.D. dissertation in toxicology at N.C. State, she was conducting postdoctoral research at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, thanks to a cooperative training agreement that gives scientists-in-training more laboratory experience while providing the EPA with more research muscle. 

Feb 3, 2012

Thoroughly modern maladies

Manmade chemicals have become nearly ubiquitous. They are found in the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. But are they safe? It’s a big, complicated question with implications for human health, the environment and the economy. And it’s a question that many CALS life scientists are addressing. One of them is Dr. Heather Patisaul.