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Department of Animal Science

CALS Animal Science major Kristen Hasegawa

Mar 1, 2017

Student Spotlight: From Hawaii to the Brickyard

Kristin Hasegawa traveled more than 4,600 miles from home to pursue her dream. Now a sophomore animal science major, she considers CALS her second home. 

photo of Black Angus cow

Jan 6, 2017

Upper Piedmont Research Station Helps Breed Better Bovines, Cut Carbon Footprint

NC State University's Upper Piedmont Research Station has two main data quests: genetically identifying cows that eat less and gain more weight, and a new project seeking to identify cows impervious to a physiologically damaging Fescue endophyte. 

April Shaeffer of CALS Animal Science started a livestock workshop series aimed at women.

Dec 14, 2016

FarmHer Episode Live For Extension’s Newest TV Star

April Shaeffer's North Carolina Leadership and Cattle Handling for Women Producers program garnered national attention this year from FarmHer, an RFD TV program focusing on the contributions of women in agriculture. Clips from the show are now available online. 

Laura Johnson is one of the 2016 Bone Scholars, studying animal science.

Dec 6, 2016

Student Spotlight: Bone Scholar Laura Johnson Aims High

Agricultural Institute student Laura Johnson has always wanted to own her own farm. First step: education. 

CALS Animal Science's April Shaeffer featured on FarmHer television show.

Nov 30, 2016

TV Star: FarmHer Features April Shaeffer’s Cattle Workshops For Women

April Shaeffer wasn't looking for a national television debut – but her lauded North Carolina Leadership and Cattle Handling for Women Producers program has found an audience anyway. 

Student riding a horse in an equestrian competition

Sep 19, 2016

Student Spotlight: Shelby Lanier Pioneers International Relationships

A former race horse named Floyd and a spring break trip to England transformed senior Shelby Lanier’s thinking into doing. A Thomas Jefferson Scholar pursuing a dual degree in animal science and history, Lanier says anything is possible through hard work. 

Nick McCrory dives in the Olympics

Aug 17, 2016

Student Spotlight: Olympic Bronze Medalist Dives Into Physiology at CALS

Diver Nick McCrory nabbed a bronze medal in the 2012 Olympics. Now, he's in the Physiology Program at CALS with his sights on a new goal: medical school. 

Mounted officer on horse, with her adviser.

May 3, 2016

Animal Science alum keeps peace on campus

Jeanne Miller puts her animal science degree to use in a way she had never imagined as an undergrad: she now patrols campus as a senior officer with the Mounted Unit of the NC State University Police Department. 

NC State student shows young boy a chick.

Apr 15, 2016

Farm Animal Days: Connecting Agriculture and Education

NC State University's annual Farm Animal Days lets area children experience agriculture up close and hands on with the guidance of CALS experts. Field days are important because agriculture is crucial to the North Carolina economy – and more than two-thirds of that contribution is generated by farm animals. 

Two females with a dairy cow

Apr 9, 2016

Want an A? Help sell a cow.

Students from Professor Gary Gregory’s Livestock Merchandizing class ran an auction at the Beef Education Unit and sold about two dozen horses, cows, goats and sheep - for a final grade. Proceeds help cover operating expenses at the agriculture education units where the animals are raised.