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Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Downtown Raleigh, east of campus.

Aug 26, 2022

You Decide: Will We Have the First Full Employment Recession?

Recessions have multiple factors that go into defining them, but what happens when some traditional metrics don't measure up? Economist Mike Walden looks at the current numbers and what they mean for us. 

Truck roars past grain silos and wet fields in Pasquotank County.

Aug 15, 2022

No-Till Farming Study Shows Benefit to Midwestern Land Values

The analysis quantifies the monetary land value benefits of an environmentally friendly practice. 

Downtown Raleigh, east of campus.

Aug 12, 2022

You Decide: Should We Use Incentives to Attract Firms?

Incentives are often used in attracting businesses to states. What is entailed in these packages, and how do they work? 

cows in a farm

Aug 1, 2022

From Robots to Customers: Exploring New Opportunities for Dairy Farmers

Alejandro Gutierrez-Li received a grant to study automatic milking systems and assess if robotic milking leads to long-term improvements in farm profitability, sustainable practices and financial resilience. 

Aerial view of downtown Raleigh

Jul 29, 2022

You Decide: Should We Worry About Fewer Youth Working?

The percentage of young people entering the workforce has been steadily declining in recent decades. What's driving this trend and what is it driving towards? 

an aerial view of skyline in downtown raleigh

Jul 15, 2022

You Decide: Are We Already in a Recession?

The word recession has been floating around public discourse recently. What does it mean, and what do the numbers show? 

an aerial view of skyline in downtown raleigh

Jul 1, 2022

You Decide: How Can We Slow the Increase in Home Prices?

Home prices have been rising rapidly in recent years. What approaches can be taken to face this issue? 

an aerial view of skyline in downtown raleigh

Jun 17, 2022

You Decide: What Does the Language of Recessions Mean?

NC State economist Mike Walden helps define terms so you're better equipped to understand dialogue around recessions. 

"Discover NC Dairy" interactive map image

Jun 9, 2022

North Carolina Dairy Industry is Grade A

June is National Dairy Month! To celebrate, discover how NC State is moo-ving the dairy industry forward. 

Downtown Raleigh, east of campus.

Jun 3, 2022

You Decide: How Can We Prepare for the Coming Job Shifts?

The job field constantly shifts with new technologies and trends. How is North Carolina equipped to help workers adjust to the new markets?