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Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Mar 25, 2016

From dream to reality: NC Farm Schools guide new farmers to success

NC Farm School teaches new and current farmers practical skills for planning economically sustainable farms, including a business plan tailored to their land. The program has graduated more than 270 participants since 2013 and plans to expand. 

Feb 5, 2016

College Profile: Dr. Laura Taylor

Environmental economist Dr. Laura Taylor makes the collaborative connections to ensure public policy aligns with smart economics. 

Nov 19, 2015

Textbook by NC State prof covers agricultural law

Agricultural and agribusiness law is the topic of a new textbook written by a North Carolina State University professor considered one of the nation’s pre-eminent experts in the topic. 

Brittany Whitmire and Andy von Canon with their dog on their farm.

Sep 20, 2015

Business and Busy-ness

Andy VonCanon and Brittany Whitmire call their family farm near Brevard “Busy Bee” – and what a fitting name it is. The two keep bees and raise cattle, turkeys and forage crops, all the while holding busy off-farm careers in agriculture. He’s a College of Agriculture and Life Sciences alumnus who teaches high school agriculture, and she’s the new dairy economist with the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service at NC State. 

Field of sorghum ready for harvest.

Feb 5, 2015

Growing the Grain Industry

Solutions benefit both crop and animal producers. 

Feb 1, 2013

Laura Taylor awarded Leopold Fellowship

Dr. Laura Taylor, professor of agricultural and resource economics, has been awarded a Leopold Leadership Fellowship. She one of just 20 environmental researchers in North America to receive the prestigious honor this year. 

Apr 11, 2012


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences' Environmental Expertise 

Apr 3, 2012

CALS faculty members named outstanding teachers

The subject matter with which three College of Agriculture and Life Sciences faculty members who have been chosen to receive 2012 North Carolina State University Outstanding Teacher Awards is disparate, ranging from economics to leadership and human-animal interactions. But all three share a commitment to imparting knowledge. 

Feb 10, 2012

ARE students travel to East Asia

Casey Skinner, a College of Agriculture and Life Sciences senior agribusiness management major who grew up on a tobacco farm in rural North Carolina, had never owned a passport before last spring. In fact, he had hardly set foot outside the state. So it’s no surprise that his experience in East Asia, as part of a new study abroad course in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, was life-changing.