Supporting Our Pack
In these unprecedented times, CALS is still hard at work fulfilling our land-grant mission of teaching tomorrow’s leaders, sustaining vital research and extending essential knowledge and information to improve lives and communities across the state. But it’s not business as usual. Many in our Pack need assistance and you can help.
By making a gift to the Student Emergency Fund, you can help students facing economic hardship continue their education. With your support of the Extension Administrative Enhancement Fund, you can help Extension increase connectivity, adapt to new engagement methods and respond to the needs of local stakeholders in this time of uncertainty.
[giving-form heading=’Student Emergency Fund’ align=’right’ submit_to=’′ cta=’Make a gift’]Many of our students are facing new and overwhelming challenges, and our alumni and friends have asked how they can help.[/giving-form]
Supporting students is our top priority.
The Student Emergency Fund was established by the Division of Academic and Student Affairs to help ensure that NC State students have access to the support and resources they need to successfully recover from unexpected financial crises and remain on track academically.
In the midst of this pandemic, our students — especially those who are already underresourced, who are from heavily impacted areas, or whose situation has changed dramatically — face new and overwhelming challenges. Many have lost jobs. Some need emergency housing or travel funds. There are students who lack the resources to participate fully in online instruction.
Alumni and friends have asked how they can help. As of March 27, support for the Student Emergency Fund has already provided valuable assistance to over 700 students — including more than 40 from CALS. The fund will be even more critical in the weeks and months ahead as we continue to receive more requests each day.
[giving-form heading=’Fund Our Work’ align=’left’ submit_to=’′ cta=’Make a gift’]Your gift helps Extension provide research-based resources and guidance that enriches the lives of millions of North Carolinians.[/giving-form]
Our work doesn’t stop. Help enhance Extension’s ability to serve in these extraordinary times.
With agents and personnel in all 100 counties and the Eastern Band of Cherokee, NC State Extension will continue transforming science into everyday solutions throughout the COVID-19 crisis. While the true impact of this virus is still unknown, we believe the needs of local stakeholders will stretch our resources and test us like never before.
Your gift can help ensure our agents and specialists have access to the highest bandwidth available to deliver essential knowledge and resources. Your contribution can help support new platforms and technologies that allow interactions with local citizens, even while county offices and local centers are closed. But most importantly, your financial support will allow us to leverage available new resources to meet unparalleled needs.
Thank you for your consideration. Go Pack and Go CALS!
The Extension Administration Enhancement Fund provides unrestricted support to NC State Extension.
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