Looking For A Job? These Top CALS Employers Explain How To Get Hired.

What qualities are employers looking for in the next-generation student?
To find out, we contacted 11 of the top employers of CALS graduates around the state, nation and world. Across disciplines, we found some common answers: strong communication skills, interdisciplinary thinking, international awareness, ability to collaborate in teams and entrepreneurial spirit.
Find your dream employers (or the ones who represent your industry) in the list below and get the details.
What they look for in a resume at…
[toggle title=”BASF”] “A key component of building a strong talent pipeline is training students that represent a high level of diversity. … It encourages new ideas and helps us be better innovators.”
[toggle title=”BioResource International”] “Some of the most important skills … are the ability to communicate well, to work together in groups and to adequately convey their thoughts.”
[toggle title=”Bland Landscaping”] “We’re looking for self-starters and employees who are going to take intiative. … They’re not just doing their jobs – they’re asking for more.”
[toggle title=”Coastal Agrobusiness”] “We look for people who have the ability to solve problems. … The best thing a student can do while in school is have internships.”
[toggle title=”IQVIA”] “We always appreciate a go-getter attitude. We’re looking for people who will ask for help and provide value to the business.”
[toggle title=”John Deere”] “We’re always looking for demonstrated leadership and the ability to work in teams, because in the real world, you’re rarely working in a vacuum.”
[toggle title=”NC State College of Veterinary Medicine”] “The student of the future is one who appreciates what different disciplines bring to how we work in the world – everything from social science to communications.”
[toggle title=”NC State Extension”] “The key is building not only content knowledge, but experiential opportunities. Internships, jobs, summer development opportunities – anything that expands both knowledge and experience.”
[toggle title=”Prestage Farms, Inc.”] “We’re always looking for someone who is willing to take on new challenges. … It’s harder to find people who will step out of their comfort zone.”
[toggle title=”SAS”] “The ability to flex your communication style depending on who’s around you – and understanding that can vary dbased on company culture as well – is very important.”
[toggle title=”USDA-APHIS”] “Students with a healthy worldview. Our employees are located throughout the United States … and every person must benefits from our services equally.”