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Author: Ken Ellzey

Apr 3, 2014

World agricultural boom

Host Mary Walden says, the United States has always been known as a rich agricultural country with good land and growing conditions and smart farmers. She asks her husband, N.C. State economist Mike Walden, have these attributes of farming spread to the rest of the world? 

Apr 2, 2014

Inflation and the job market

We need more jobs in this country, yet most of us also would like low inflation, says host Mary Walden, adding that there’s a theory in economics suggesting that higher inflation would actually create more jobs. She asks her husband, economist Mike Walden, How so? 

Apr 1, 2014

To trade or hold?

The investment world has been looking better recently, according to host Mary Walden. Of course it’s always subject to ups and downs. This raises the question of how an investor should deal with market fluctuations. She asks her husband, economist Mike Walden, should the investor try to anticipate changes and move money accordingly or just let his investments ride? 

Mar 31, 2014

Income redistribution

Host Mary Walden says that there are many federal and state programs that use tax revenues to financially and economically help families with limited resources. When we look at families of different income levels, what kinds of differences do we see in terms of taxes paid compared to government benefits received, she asks her husband, N.C. State economics Mike Walden? 

Mar 28, 2014

Comparing local economies

Host Mary Walden says that people often compare local economies, like Charlotte and Raleigh or Wilmington and Asheville. Often, these comparisons show big differences. Her husband, N.C. State economist Mike Walden explains why. 

Mar 27, 2014

Risky jobs?

Despite rules and regulations governing the workplace, all jobs aren’t the same when it comes to risk, says host Mary Walden. Some are just inherently more risking than others. She asks her husband, N.C. State economist Mike Walden, “If everything else were equal, it seems like people would rather take safer jobs. Why don’t they?” 

Mar 26, 2014

‘Creative destructionism’

Change is sometimes very hard to deal with, especially in the economy where it seems like we are constantly seeing some companies and jobs destroyed while new ones are created, says host Mary Walden. She asks her husband, N.C. State economist Mike Walden, “Is this a new phenomenon?” 

Mar 25, 2014

Gender unemployment gaps

Host Mary Walden points out that issues in the labor market have not impacted everyone equally. One difference we see today is that the jobless rate for men is higher than that for women. She asks her husband and N.C. State economist Mike Walden, “Is this unusual when we look around the world?” 

Mar 24, 2014

Avoiding Japan’s economy

Economists say Japan’s economy has been in a major slump for much of the past 15 years, says host Mary Walden. Some say that there are parallel trends in the U.S. economy and Japan’s. She asks her husband, N.C. State economist Mike Walden, “Can we or will we avoid where Japan has been?” 

Mar 21, 2014

Measuring inflation

The rise in prices that economists call “inflation” affects everyone, says host Mary Walden. Recent government reports suggest inflation is tame, averaging between 1 percent and 2 percent annually. But there are critics who say the government mismeasures inflation. She asks her husband, N.C. State University economist Mike Walden, “Are their complaints valid?”