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Author: Dee Shore

Aug 25, 2010

Different views on health care

Although the legislative battle over health care is complete, the debate continues. Part of this debate stems from different ways of looking at the role of health care in our economy. N.C. State University economist Mike Walden summarizes the competing views. 

Aug 24, 2010

State pensions

State pensions are important to many workers. In North Carolina state and local government workers as well as teachers rely on state pensions for their retirement. But there is a looming problem in many states where pension funds might run out. How serious is this issue? N.C. Cooperative Extension economist Mike Walden responds. 

Aug 23, 2010

Who’s buying the debt?

The federal government has issued over $2 trillion of new debt during the past two years. Who bought it? N.C. Cooperative Extension economist Mike Walden answers. 

Aug 20, 2010

Jobs created and saved

The president’s chief economic advisor issued a report recently saying the $800 billion dollar stimulus package passed last year has so far resulted in between 2.5 million and 3.6 million jobs being created or saved nationwide. How has this number been arrived at? Did someone go around and count the jobs? N.C. State University extension economist Mike Walden explains. 

Aug 19, 2010

CALS alumna receives Walter B. Jones Sr. Memorial Award for coastal work

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences graduate Robin Worrell Wienke is one of four North Carolinians who has received the Walter B. Jones Sr. Memorial Award for Excellence in Coastal and Marine Graduate Studies. She was honored by the NOAA for current and expected roles in coastal or ocean management activities. 

Aug 19, 2010

Energy costs

There haven't been too many complaints about gas prices this summer. Are energy prices finally behaving themselves? North Carolina Cooperative Extension economist Mike Walden weighs in. 

Aug 18, 2010

Path to a health-care career can start at N.C. State

CALS has long provided that grounding for those who wish to pursue post-graduate education for careers in human medicine, nursing, dentistry, optometry, pharmacy or physical therapy. 

Aug 18, 2010

Expiring tax cuts

Some federal tax rates are scheduled to increase next year unless Congress takes action. Dr. Mike Walden, North Carolina Cooperative Extension economist, explains how people will be affected. 

Aug 17, 2010

“A friend to all”: Fred Webb honored with creation of Webb/Caldwell Scholarship endowment

In honor of J. Fred Webb Jr.'s life and achievements, the James Fred Webb Jr./John T. Caldwell Alumni Scholarship Endowment was established by his family on July 14. The endowment will provide scholarships for the Alumni Caldwell Fellows Program at N.C. State according to the Webb family’s stipulation that scholarship recipients be currently enrolled as undergraduate students in N.C. State's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences in a traditional agriculture department. 

Aug 17, 2010

Klaenhammer wins Metchnikoff Prize

Dr. Todd Klaenhammer, Distinguished University Professor and William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor of food, bioprocessing and nutrition sciences, was one of three winners of the IDF Elie Metchnikoff Prize 2010.