Aug 17, 2010
An estimated 76 million cases of foodborne disease occur each year in the United States, and while most are mild, 325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths occur. At N.C. State, our…
CALS is North Carolina’s leading provider of knowledge, education and technology related to food and nutrition. Our scientists breed crops for greater nutrition and create healthier food products such as…
Economists and statisticians deepen our understanding of some of the most important human health problems. At N.C. State, they build better disease models, find better ways to run clinical trials…
Aug 16, 2010
Partnerships forged between the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and commodity groups benefit both. Some 70 organizations that represent either various agricultural commodities produced in North Carolina or the…
Aug 12, 2010
The North Carolina Cooperative Extension Foundation, the 4-H Development Fund and the Family and Consumer Sciences Foundation have welcomed a fourth foundation to the Extension family.
One of our College goals for 2010 is to foster economic vitality by generating and applying science and technology that support robust agricultural and life sciences industries. It is part…
The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences’ strong pre-veterinary program just got stronger — with the launch of VetPAC, the Veterinary Professions Advising Center. First there was HealthPAC, the Health…
Tourism Extension specialists at N.C. State University attracted nearly 250 participants to a spring webinar series on agritourism. Dr. Samantha Rozier Rich and Dr. Stacy Tomas, along with Sue Colucci…
The Wilson Botanical Gardens is now home to a whimsical bamboo sculpture created by landscape design students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Will Hooker, CALS horticultural science…
In the 1940s a small group of forward-thinking farmers planted the first acres of certified sweet potato varieties in North Carolina at the urging of horticultural research and Extension faculty…