Frequently Asked Questions
You have questions. We have the answers.

When does pre-registration advising begin?
Advising typically begins after fall break for spring registration and after spring break for fall registration
I tried to register, but My Pack says I do not have a valid enrollment date. What does this mean?
You are trying to register prior to your enrollment date. Verify your enrollment date in My Pack Portal
I have a hold on my account that is preventing me from registering. How can I have the hold removed?
- Advising Registration Hold: Follow biochemistry (BCH) advising instructions.
- Academic Warning Hold: Complete an academic advisement report and bring it to your advisor.
- Progress Deficiency Hold: Contact advising
- Cashier’s Office Hold: Late payments for tuition or student health services. Payment must be made to the University Cashier’s office before the hold can be released.
- Student Conduct Hold: Academic integrity or student conduction violation. Contact the Office of Student Conduct for more information.
How do I register for my classes in the MyPack Portal?
Visit the Enrollment Wizard web page for instructions on how to add/drop/swap courses during open enrollment.
Can my Biochemistry advisor help me enroll into a non-BCH course?
No. Only an administrator or the enrollment coordinator in the department offering a course can add or remove students from classes in that department.
How do I enroll into a restricted class?
When there are open seats in a course that are reserved for specific majors, you can ask the instructor for permission to have one of the restricted seats.
Suppose the course restriction says departmental approval required. In that case, you may contact the instructor to determine who in the department can grant permission (permission must come from the department teaching the class).
Why does a class list a prerequisite, corequisite or requirement?
- Prerequisite – need to complete another course prior to enrollment.
- Corequisite – requires you to enroll in another course during same term (many lab sections).
- Requirement – meet specifics such as part of University Honors program, or sophomore standing, etc.
Visit the Student Services Center website for the complete definitions.
Where do I find the academic calendar?
Visit the Student Services website for the current academic calendar
What are some possible complications to watch for when adding/dropping classes?
Adding and dropping classes may affect your total enrolled credit hours, your tuition, billing, financial aid or scholarship eligibility, student program eligibility, and progress toward a degree.
When do I use the Schedule Revision Form in MyPack?
Students make changes to course enrollment in MyPack through the Schedule Revision Form for the following reasons
- Adding a course exceeding the repeat maximum
- Adding or swapping courses after Census Date
- Dropping below full time after Census Date
- Dropping or swapping a course after the Drop/Revision Deadline
- Changes to the class grading basis after the Drop/Revision Deadline
- Dropping a course exceeding the lifetime drop limit (16 hour max)
What is the Grade Exclusion Policy?
Undergraduate students may select up to two NC State courses with posted letter grades of C- or below to be excluded from calculation of their cumulative grade point average. Unsuccessful audits or credit-only attempts are not eligible for exclusion.
Some important details:
- Students may exclude grades (C- or lower) in up to two courses.
- Excluded grades will remain on your transcript but will not be used in grade point calculations.
- Excluded courses cannot be used to satisfy degree requirements.
What is the Course Repeat Policy?
Undergraduate students may repeat a course for credit once without permission if the previous attempt was completed with a grade of D+ or less. Students must have permission from the Dean of their respective college to attempt a course for credit more than twice.
- This may impact your Financial Aid as noted here.
- Students must receive permission from CALS to take a course for the third time by filling out Student Revision Form and Course Repeat Form.
- The full policy can also be found in the student catalog.
I have taken or plan to take a course at another college. How can I make sure the credit will transfer?
Check the database of pre-approved transfer courses.
If the course does not appear on either list, it will have to be evaluated for equivalency. You must provide a complete syllabus or comprehensive list of covered topics for evaluation. These materials should be submitted to the department responsible for the course that you intend to substitute.
To transfer your course to NC State, have an official copy of your transcript sent to Records and Registration.
What does “good standing” mean?
Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 or be on academic warning or academic probation to continue enrollment. Students are considered in good standing if they are eligible to continue enrollment.
View official Continuation of Undergraduate Enrollment Regulation.
I want to do undergraduate research. How do I find research opportunities?
- If you are doing well in your classes and have time for outside activities, then undergraduate research may be for you.
- Look through the faculty profiles on departmental pages and select a few faculty who work on research topics of interest to you. Contact the faculty members of interest (include a short statement about yourself and your resume in an email) and ask them about the availability of undergraduate research opportunities.
- See the Office of Undergraduate Research website for an overview of research opportunities
Pre-Vet Advising
- Watch for seminars and networking events on the website.
- Look for the VMCAS portfolio builder on the website.
- Look for specialized advising help at VetPac.
- Join the listserv on the VetPac website.
- See the FAQs on the VetPac website for more information.
Pre-Health Advising
The Pre-Health website provides information on:
- Program requisites for dental, medical, nursing, optometry, pharmacy, physician assistant, physical/occupational
- Pre-health student clubs
- Where to gain experience to put on your application
- Join pre-health listserv
- Attend health fair
Pre-Law Advising
- The Pre-Law website provides information on:
- How to join the listserv
- Pre-law application resources
- 4-year guide
- Meet with an advisor
- Attend law school fair
Change Major to Biochemistry/Add Certificate
How do I apply to change my major to Biochemistry?
To request to change or add another major, you need to complete 12 or more graded credits hours at NC State and satisfy specific transfer requirements for your intended major.
- Refer to the eligibility requirements.
- Complete online Change of Degree Application (CODA).
Note: Adding or updating an “intended major” within your degree audit does not officially change your major; it is a planning tool only.