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Ning Sui


Research Program Overview

Driven by a commitment to excellence in teaching and fueled by my passion for education, my research program aims to enhance undergraduate students’ learning experiences and prepare them for future careers. Below are a few of our research focuses:

Course-Based Undergraduate Research (CURE): As part of the MCC Fellow Cohort 2024, I am developing a CURE lab course centered on malate dehydrogenase research. This research experience aims to promote students’ laboratory skills, knowledge comprehension, and most importantly, passion for biochemical research. We are also developing a comprehensive undergraduate research program focusing on skills and training in genotranscriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Studies: Our SoTL studies aim to improve student engagement and learning outcomes by designing case studies, introducing real-world applications, developing personalized learning, and exploring tools for informal and inquiry-based learning.

Integrative Teaching and Learning: With the rapid advancement of technology, such as AI and deep learning, higher education must be redesigned to prepare students for fast-evolving career needs. I collaborate with faculty from other fields (e.g., computer science, horticulture, ecology, education, etc.) in research and course design to equip students with the skills needed for their future careers.


Resource site for CURE, SoTL, active learning, and other educational tool (under construction)


PhD Biology Duke University 2016

MS Biology Tsinghua University 2011

BS Biological Sciences and Technologies Tsinghua University 2008
