Graduate Seminar – Anisa Guedira
Tove Room - Polk 128A"Insights into polyphosphate metabolism via a fluorescence-based assay in phosphate-accumulating bacteria" Anisa Guedira, Graduate Student (Kennedy Lab) NCSU Department of Biochemistry Zoom Link
"Insights into polyphosphate metabolism via a fluorescence-based assay in phosphate-accumulating bacteria" Anisa Guedira, Graduate Student (Kennedy Lab) NCSU Department of Biochemistry Zoom Link
Presenting on "Extensive pyrophosphorylation revealed in human cell lines" (Morgan, et. al.) Dalton Hilovsky, Graduate Student (Liu Lab) NCSU Department of Biochemistry Zoom Link
Presenting on "Bioengineering for robust tolerance against cold and drought stresses via co-overexpressing three Cu-miRNAs in major food crops" (Hong et. al.) Anisa Guedira, Graduate Student (Doherty Lab) NCSU Department…
“Redox Regulation of Cancer Metabolic Reprogramming” Dr. Christine Chio Columbia University, Assistant Professor of Genetics & Development Zoom Link
Presenting on "ABA functions in low phosphate‑induced anthocyanin accumulation through the transcription factor ABI5 in Arabidopsis" Blake Horton, Graduate Student (Doherty Lab) NCSU Department of Biochemistry Zoom Link
“Harnessing Mitochondrial Metabolism for Potential Universal Anticancer Strategies in Mammals” Dr. Kazuki HEISHIMA Gifu University, School of Medicine Zoom Link