COVID-19 Updates
John Dole Encourages Remote Online Course Conversion
CALS Associate Dean of Academic Programs John Dole urges all CALS teaching faculty, Departmental Graduate and Undergraduate Program Coordinators to be prepared to convert all curriculum to online instruction from home or remote locations.
Research Continuity in Response to COVID-19
In coordination with the university’s guidance, we are taking steps to significantly reduce research and scholarship activity on campus. Read this memo to learn more.
New Center for Electron Microscopy Liquid Nitrogen Protocol
In order to continue to provide liquid nitrogen to faculty who must maintain critical ongoing research and also abide by new safety measures required by the COVID-19 crisis, we are instituting a new protocol for dispensing liquid nitrogen by our trained and certified users.
Access Guidance for Research Stations and Field Labs
Please be advised of the latest guidance concerning faculty, staff and student access to North Carolina Research Stations and University Field Labs.
Dean Linton’s COVID-19 Video Update
Dean Linton shares updates on NC State's efforts to protect our students, faculty, staff, and stakeholders and encourages continued vigilance for personal health and well-being.
Postponed: CALS and Department of Chemistry Lightning Round Lunch-and-Learn
Postponed: One PowerPoint slide and two minutes -- connect with colleagues in Chemistry to discover future interdisciplinary research.
Communicating Coronavirus-related Extension Cancellations, Closures
Find guidance and resources to assist Extension personnel with communicating programming changes to your clients and stakeholders.
CALS IT: Remote Computing Resources for Staff and Faculty
CALS IT and Extension IT are responding as quickly as possible to the changing requirements surrounding COVID-19, remote working, and the IT requests. Included in this briefing are some answers to common requests at this time.
Mitigating Impacts to Research Activities (COVID-19)
NCARS' Dr. Steve Lommoel provides related and relevant CALS research updates and recent University and CALS advisories and memos.
Memo on GAs and COVID-19
One area where there have been numerous questions with regards to COVID-19 relates to Graduate Assistants (GAs), which include Teaching, Research, and Graduate Extension Assistants. NC State Graduate School Dean Peter Harries addresses many of those questions in this recent memo.