Kayla Watson
Friends of IPM Awards Call for Nominations and IPM Ambassador Travel Grants
The Southern IPM Center is pleased to release the Calls for Nomination for our annual Friends of IPM Award program and the IPM Ambassador Travel Grants.
IPM Webinar Series: Strawberry Thermotherapy for Non-Chemical Management
During the Integrated Pest Management webinar, we will discuss the use of precision thermotherapy to eradicate bacterial and fungal pathogens from strawberry transplants.
Pest Management Strategic Plan and Crop Profile Publication in Journal of IPM
A recent publication in the Journal of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) addresses a current gap in the literature, history, definition, contents, and purposes of Pest Management Strategic Plans (PMSPs) and Crop Profiles (CPs), and their contribution to the field of IPM.
New Crop Profile for North Carolina Cucumber
Crop Profiles provide current agricultural data to government agencies, IR-4, State lead agencies, Extension, farmers, agricultural commodity organizations, health professionals, and others, and this year a team of six contributors developed a new crop profile for the NC cucumber.
Sorghum/Sugarcane Aphid Webinar with Southern IPM Center
The Southern IPM Hour monthly webinar series presents research, issues, and programs in Integrated Pest Management from the Southern Region of the United States. The IPM Hour takes place on the first Wednesday of the month at 1 p.m.
IPM Grants Call for Proposals
Southern Integrated Pest Management Grants regionally address Global Food Security challenges including invasive species, endangered species, pest resistance, and impacts resulting from regulatory actions.
Hemp in the South – Webinar
Join this webinar on common hemp pests, barriers to southern hemp production, stakeholder needs and planting information for our specific climate.
Box Tree Moth Regulatory Response Webinar with Southern IPM Center
USDA-APHIS has confirmed the presence of box tree moth in the continental United States, and has implemented an emergency response to find and eradicate this pest.
Southern Integrated Pest Management Center Presents Wednesday Webinar
"IPM Hour - Southern Edition" presents research, issues, and programs in Integrated Pest Management from the Southern Region of the United States. The IPM Hour takes place on the first Wednesday of the every month
IPM Hour Webinar January 6, 1 p.m. – IPM Extension in South Carolina and Alabama
The Southern IPM Center's monthly webinar series, IPM Hour - Southern Edition, continues to present research and issues in IPM from the Southern Region.