Stories From 2023
Support Our Students and Departments Through Crowdfunding
NC State's fall crowdfunding cohort launched on Sept. 6 and runs through Oct. 6. CALS is sponsoring two projects: the FFA Farm Credit Staff Cottage and Robotics in the Lab.
Wellness Webinars
University Human Resources will offer a slate of wellness webinars for staff and faculty in August and September.
Lighten Your Pack: Additional Resources and Reminders
University Communications and the Division of Academic and Student Affairs collaborated to create Lighten Your Pack, a comprehensive communications approach to mental health and well-being at NC State.
Statewide Wellness Lunch and Learn on Metabolism
NC Office of State Human Resources Worksite Wellness presents a conversation on what affects metabolism and how we can improve it.
Walk this Way to Miles for Wellness
Join the Miles for Wellness program, a virtual, free, team-based walking initiative by and for the state employees of North Carolina.
Webinar on How to Form, Fund and Maintain a Working Group
Southern IPM Hour presenters Ash Sial (UGA) and Rebecca Melanson (Mississippi State) cover how to form a working group, where to find funding and how to keep the momentum up.
Friends of IPM Nominations For Students and Professionals Now Open
Know an individual or group that is doing fantastic work in IPM? Why not nominate them for a Southern IPM Center Friends of IPM Award?
William Neal Reynolds Professorships Nominations
Dean Fox announced a call for nominations for William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professorships. All college faculty are eligible to submit a nomination by Oct. 20, 2023.
CALS New Hires
Welcome the 27 new college hires from August. These team members are located in Raleigh and throughout the state.
Attend Fall Wellness Webinars
University Human Resources is hosting employee wellness webinars on various topics, from the benefits of walking to making healthy food choices when you’re busy.