Agri-Life Council

Meeting location is to be determined. For more information, contact the Council’s President (

Southeast CASC Hidden Rivers Film Screening

David Clark Labs, 101

The Global Change Fellows of the Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center will hold an exclusive screening Hidden Rivers, a film that unveils the beautiful, biodiverse world that exists below the surface of rivers and streams in the Southern Appalachians.

Spend a Day at State!

Participating High school Juniors, Seniors and Transfer students have the opportunity to Spend a Day at State and learn more about the College of Agriculture and Life Science and the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences! The visit includes a […]

Spend a Day at State!

Participating High school Juniors, Seniors and Transfer students have the opportunity to Spend a Day at State and learn more about the College of Agriculture and Life Science and the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences! The visit includes a […]

NC State and Longwood Online Plant ID Classes

The NC State Department of Horticulture Science has partnered with Longwood Gardens, one of the premier botanical gardens in the world, to provide a fully online introduction to plant identification. We are offering the following classes March 21-May 2: “Annuals, Perennials, […]

2022 IR-4 Project Research Symposium


Join us for our inaugural research symposium on Tuesday, April 12, 2022. During this virtual event, representatives from the IR-4 Project will share research results from Integrated Solutions and Product Performance trials on food crops. Results from these trials are […]

Agronomy Club

All students are welcome! Meeting location is to be determined. For more information, contact a club advisor: Dr. Keith Edmisten ( or Dr. Amy Johnson (