International Plant Breeding Seminar Series

NC State University’s Plant Breeding Consortium is pleased to announce its second virtual seminar series in International Plant Breeding. Join us and guest speaker Dr. Paul Chavarriaga (Bioversity-CIAT, Colombia) who will be speaking on fostering agricultural development through gene editing in tropical […]

Spring Admission Application Deadline

Freshman and transfer applicants for Spring entry should apply by October 1, 2019. We are here to help. Call us at 919-515-5820 or email us at to come in and visit us one on one. Come Grow With Us!

Spend a Day at State!

Participating High school Juniors, Seniors and Transfer students have the opportunity to Spend a Day at State and learn more about the College of Agriculture and Life Science and the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences! The visit includes a […]

BEES Academy for Intermediate Beekeepers

Union County Extension Center 3230-D Presson Road, Monroe, NC

Target audience: Beekeepers with a number of years of experience who want to increase their understanding of bees and improve their practices. Length: two full days’ immersion in theoretical and practical aspects of beekeeping. Format: Live and pre-taped videos from […]

Intermediate-Level Beekeeping Training

Union County Cooperative Extension Center, Main meeting rooms

Experienced beekeepers who want to increase their understanding of bees and improve their practices are the intended targets of this two-day training. The training has been utilized by other beekeepers as a “booster shot” to update what they learned in […]

Intermediate-Level Beekeeping Training

Union County Cooperative Extension Center, Main meeting rooms

Experienced beekeepers who want to increase their understanding of bees and improve their practices are the intended targets of this two-day training. The training has been utilized by other beekeepers as a “booster shot” to update what they learned in […]

CALS International Seminar With Craig Meisner

Join CALS International Programs and CALS SAIGE in the International Seminar Series featuring Dr. Craig Meisner,  Senior Technical Advisor for FAO. Dr. Meisner has immense international agriculture  experience working with seven CGIAR centers and most recently with FAO,  all with the goal of alleviating hunger and poverty issues. Dr. […]

Crop and Soil Sciences Feeds the Pack

Please join Crop and Soil Sciences as together we assist the Feed the Pack pantry in combating the food insecurity experienced by students in the Wolfpack family. We’ve made it simple for you to donate through the Feed the Pack Amazon […]