Bee Habitat and Pollinator Habitat

Are you hoping to attract more bees and other pollinators to your garden? Join us as we host Danesha Seth Carley, director of the NSF Center for Integrated Pest Management and NC State associate professor of horticulture science, for a workshop […]

Agricultural Leadership Learning Institute for Faculty Fall 2022

Are you interested in strengthening your leadership skills?  If so, the CALS Leadership Office has an eight-session program during the 2022 fall semester that involves topics, assessments, and reflections that will support your development as a leader. 

Crop and Soil Sciences Feeds the Pack

Please join Crop and Soil Sciences as together we assist the Feed the Pack pantry in combating the food insecurity experienced by students in the Wolfpack family. We’ve made it simple for you to donate through the Feed the Pack Amazon […]

Dean of CALS Finalist Open Forum

Talley Student Union, Mountains Ballroom

Antoine Alston, a finalist for the dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences position, will give a presentation during an open candidate form. You can attend the forum in person or via Zoom. The forum will be recorded […]