Mike Cove North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences Averting extinction in the face of an invasional meltdown in the Florida Keys Thursday, March 20 4 p.m. | Fox 104 *Note: Location change. Seminar will be held in Fox 104 on […]
Heather Evans North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission Assessing the Use of Environmental DNA for Applied Management Thursday, March 27 4 p.m. | Bostian 2722 The Department of Applied Ecology hosts weekly, in-person seminars in Bostian 2722* every Thursday from 4-5 pm, unless otherwise […]
Presented by the Department of Applied Ecology, the Department of Biological Science, and the Graduate Student Association of Biology March 28| David Clark Labs 101 Schedule: 1:00 – 1:40 pm Poster Session, Heavy appetizers and refreshments, catered by Wegmans […]
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