Horticulture Retiree Lunch, September 2023: Clockwise from bottom left, Sylvia Blankenship, Kim Whitfield, Sandie Wash, Todd Wehner, Eric Hinesley, Rocco Schiavone, Paul Nelson, Larry Hammett, Jim Ballington, George Wilson, Tom Monaco, Nancy Mingis
Each month the retired Department of Horticultural Science staff and faculty get together for lunch. The conversations are always interesting and cover a lot of subjects. It is normally held the third Tuesday of the month at 11:30 am but can change based on other events and holidays. We are currently meeting at the NC State University Club on Hillsborough Street in Raleigh. If you are not receiving emails about these lunches and would like to receive them, please send a current email address to sylvia@ncsu.edu We would love to have you join us.