20th Vermiculture Conference

The 20th Annual Vermiculture Conference is being hosted from October 26-27, 2019 (Saturday & Sunday) at The James B. Hunt Jr. Library in the Duke Energy Hall. Seats are filling up fast, so now is the time to register and make your travel plans.
The Vermiculture Conference is the only annual commercial vermicomposting conference in the world. The event covers everything from how to begin earthworm composting to details of large-scale vermicomposting production operations. The conference also provides several opportunities to talk and network with fellow industry experts and growers from across the United States and and other countries.
You’ll get a chance to learn l how others started and grew their operations and how vermicomposting affects plant growth and suppresses plant pests and diseases. You’ll also gain important information about such issues as earthworm husbandry, feedstocks, equipment, permits, monitoring, harvesting, and selling your products.
At this two-day conference, you will get the in-depth knowledge you need to have a successful vermicomposting operation. Go to the conference website and read about the speakers, topics, travel and housing. What you won’t see on the website are details about the surprises in store. After all, it’s the 20th annual conference, so we need to celebrate!
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Vermiculture Topics
- Flow-Through Vermicomposting
- Vermicompost Effects on Plant Growth, Pest and Disease Suppression
- Vermicomposting Operation Options
- Effective Marketing of Vermicompost Products
- Vermiculture Business Strategies and Common Pitfalls
- Visit conference website for current agenda and speaker listing
Tour of Compost Learning Lab
Take a site tour and see…
- Continuous-flow Reactors
- Worm Bins
- Monitoring Equipment
- Composting Systems
What people are saying about this conference…
“The conference was definitely worth the time and money. I learned so much…not just about earthworms, but soil composition, minerals, testing, teas, diseases, correct processes to follow, etc. I’m looking forward to next year’s conference already! ~S.S., North Carolina
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