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Agriculture Related Foundation Director Patti Stewart

Have you met Dr. Patricia Stewart, Agriculture-Related Foundation Director?
Patti brings her experience and proven track record to our department for development of significant donations.

“One of the things I learned is to teach people, and to show them how important their contributions can be, and how they can make a real difference in the lives of students or faculty or whatever it is that they’re giving to; it just resonates with the donors, and it’s just something that I love to do. I love to know people and make the matches, so that everybody benefits.”

“Finding the point where the University has a need and matching that up with the donor’s passion. And when you match it up, the need with the passion, what you end up with is something spectacular. The donor’s happy about their gift, the university benefits whether they establish a scholarship, a professorship, a programmatic enhancement fund, everyone benefits.”