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CALS Agroecology student Eliza Hardy

May 29, 2018

The One Who (Almost) Got Away

Eliza Hardy’s great-great-great grandfather, Perrin Busbee, was NC State’s first football coach. When it came time for college applications, CALS was Eliza’s top choice – until her application was first deferred, then wait-listed. Her path to CALS? Complicated. 

Cow and researcher in a pasture with grass and trees.

May 16, 2018

Graze in the Shade: Silvopasture’s Benefits

How can a grower be more productive per acre while improving grassland ecosystems? How do we increase production to feed a growing population while sustaining available resources? Could silvopasture help? NC State’s Miguel Castillo is finding answers. 

May 15, 2018

The Crop and Soil Sciences Class of 2018.

Congratulations to our graduates! 

Student's hand pouring water from a beaker onto a plant.

May 9, 2018

Outreach Grows Next-Generation Leaders for Agriculture and Life Sciences

Two programs in NC State’s Department of Crop and Soil Sciences illustrate the creative, compelling ways that CALS faculty members get kids excited about agriculture and biosciences. 

May 1, 2018

Faculty Update

The Department of Crop and Soil Sciences is pleased to announce four faculty members who have recently completed the promotion and tenure process 

Apr 27, 2018

Crop Science Professor and Soybean Expert Jim Dunphy Retires with Distinction

“The State of North Carolina acknowledges and extends its sincere appreciation for your many years of dedicated service.” 

Apr 27, 2018

Crop and Soil Sciences Graduate Students Leadership

Crop and Soil Sciences graduate students Drew Pinnix and Wayne Roper completed the Agriculture Leadership Learning Institute graduate student training program 

Apr 25, 2018

Crop and Soil Sciences Extension in the Field

Crop & Soil Sciences small grains specialist Angela Post informs farmers about malted barley varieties during the April 23 Malt Barley Field Tour 

Apr 13, 2018

Chancellor Randy Woodson is Back in Class as Guest Lecturer

Chancellor Randy Woodson served as guest lecturer for STS 323: World Population and Food Prospects 

Apr 10, 2018

Meet Charlie Cahoon

I’m honored to be a part of the weed science group here. It’s a great group and I think we’re doing something special.