Harkema Scholarships for Off Campus Experiences Now Accepting Applications

If anyone knew about the importance of off-campus experiences, it was World War II parasitologist, zoologist, and NC State professor of zoology, Dr. Reinard Harkema (1910–1978)
Harkema received his A.B. from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, MI and his Ph.D. in 1935 from Duke University. He then taught at North Carolina State University from 1936 to 1978 as professor of zoology with a specialization in parasitology of wild animals. In addition to classroom teaching, he headed the pre-dental and pre-medical program in the Department of Zoology. During World War II he served in the United States Medical Corps as a parasitologist, and was a consultant to the Air Force following the war. In 1956, Dr. Harkema was elected president of the North Carolina Academy of Sciences, and in 1969 he received the NC State University Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor Award.
The Harkema Fund honors his legacy providing scholarships for outstanding undergraduate students studying zoological fields to participate in field courses, research, or other off campus opportunities that complement and enhance their academic experience at NCSU. Usually these activities occur in the summer, but when appropriate can take place during the academic year.
There are two awards; one for undergraduate and one for graduate students.
For Undergraduates
We encourage undergraduates majoring in Zoology and/or minoring in Applied Ecology to apply (previous winners are not eligible). Applications require:
- Completion of the appropriate application form (here)
- A 2-page resume
- A brief description of the proposed experience
- An itemized budget and justification
- A copy of your academic record, and
- One letter of recommendation.
Total funds available for all awards are typically $2,000-$2,500, but may be more or less each year, with individual awards averaging about $500 but ranging from $250-$2,500 from year to year. Preference will be given to excellent proposals from students who have already demonstrated sufficient academic preparation and excellence to benefit from the experience.
For Graduates
Graduate students in the Department of Applied Ecology, regardless of degree program, are eligible to apply (previous winners of the graduate-level award are not eligible). Applications require:
- Completion of the appropriate application form (here)
- A 2-page resume
- A brief description of the proposed experience
- An itemized budget and justification
- A copy of your academic record, and
- One letter of recommendation.
Total funds available for all awards are typically $2,000-$2,500, but may be more or less each year, with individual awards averaging about $500 but ranging from $250-$2,500 from year to year. Applications will be evaluated based on potential benefits of the planned use of the award and applicant qualifications. The justification should clearly state why the proposed expenses cannot be covered by an existing grant.
All application materials must be submitted via email to Jeff Buckel, Chair of the Harkema Awards Committee (jabuckel@ncsu.edu) by 5:00 PM Wednesday April 6, 2022.
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