
Nov 10, 2020

Linnea Andersen Awarded Coastal Conservation Association Scholarship

Congratulations to Ph.D. candidate Linnea Andersen for being awarded the 2020 North Carolina Coastal Conservation Association's David and Ann Speaks Scholarship!

Oct 8, 2020

Where’s the Weak Link in Weakfish Conservation?

Weakfish have declined to record lows over the last 30 years. And despite a series of regulatory measures to reduce weakfish harvest, the stock has failed to rebuild...

Oct 2, 2020

Tips for Giving a Great Online Presentation

Investing time practicing the new art form of delivering a great online presentation is more important than ever, and this means rethinking how we use online conferencing software and taking advantage of new tools to engage our audiences.

Sep 28, 2020

Bees Can Limit Low-Level Parasite Spread Within Colonies

When parasite pressure is low, bees can control how quickly the parasites spread within colonies, and this might be due to social immunity.

Sep 21, 2020

Lizards, Convergent Evolution and Life After Humans, an Interview with Jonathan Losos

ROb Dunn sit with Jonathan Losos to learn about how anoles became the kings of convergent evolution and what that means for future life on Earth.

Sep 9, 2020

Landing the Best Fish Consumption Advisory Signs for Sport and Subsistence Anglers

Simpler is better when it comes to letting people know which fish are unsafe to eat.

Aug 11, 2020

Matthew Damiano Selected to be a National Fisheries Fellow

Congratulations to Matt Damiano for being one of just ten students to be selected for the 2020 Fisheries-Sea Grant Joint Fellowship.

Jul 28, 2020

Applying Insights from Ecology and Evolutionary Biology to the Management of Cancer, an Interview with Athena Aktipis

Prof. Rob Dunn sits with Dr. Athena Aktipis to discuss how the secret to treating cancer may lie in the evolutionary biology of all multi-cellular organisms.

Jul 17, 2020

Climate Change Will Decrease Prescribed Fire Opportunities in Southeastern US

Land managers will have fewer opportunities to conduct controlled, prescribed burns in the southeastern United States under two climate change scenarios.

Jun 13, 2020

How PFAS May Be Threatening The Conservation Of An Imperiled Fish

Robust redhorses are extremely rare fish and a recent study found that their home river is contaminated with PFAS.