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Michelle Jewell

Sep 9, 2020

Landing the Best Fish Consumption Advisory Signs for Sport and Subsistence Anglers

Simpler is better when it comes to letting people know which fish are unsafe to eat. 

Matthew Damiano

Aug 11, 2020

Matthew Damiano Selected to be a National Fisheries Fellow

Congratulations to Matt Damiano for being one of just ten students to be selected for the 2020 Fisheries-Sea Grant Joint Fellowship. 

Meet the 2020 faculty, Khara Grieger, Michelle Jewell, Erin McKenny, Skylar Hopkins via Zoom

Aug 10, 2020

Video: Meet the New Faculty of 2020!

The incoming class of 2024 aren't the only newbies on campus! The Department of Applied Ecology has welcomed three new assistant professors to the team. Watch the live Q&A here! 

Jul 28, 2020

Applying Insights from Ecology and Evolutionary Biology to the Management of Cancer, an Interview with Athena Aktipis

Prof. Rob Dunn sits with Dr. Athena Aktipis to discuss how the secret to treating cancer may lie in the evolutionary biology of all multi-cellular organisms. 

prescribed burn, St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge, Panacea Unit, Wakulla County, Florida 1

Jul 17, 2020

Climate Change Will Decrease Prescribed Fire Opportunities in Southeastern US

Land managers will have fewer opportunities to conduct controlled, prescribed burns in the southeastern United States under two climate change scenarios. 

Jun 17, 2020

What Is Causing Caribbean Rainforests To Dry Out?

In 2015, the Caribbean experienced the most severe and widespread drought ever recorded in 50 years, giving researchers an opportunity to study the causes and effects. 

A robust redhorse, picture by Prof. Tom Kwak.

Jun 13, 2020

How PFAS May Be Threatening The Conservation Of An Imperiled Fish

Robust redhorses are extremely rare fish and a recent study found that their home river is contaminated with PFAS. 

PFAS Present In All Links Of The Yadkin-Pee Dee River Food Chain

Jun 5, 2020

PFAS Present Throughout The Yadkin-Pee Dee River Food Chain

Applied Ecology researchers found per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in every step of the Yadkin-Pee Dee River food chain. 

May 15, 2020

FiCli: The Fish and Climate Change Database

Climate change affects fish globally. Yet, a comprehensive, online public database of how climate change has impacted inland fishes worldwide did not exist, until now.  

Coffee beans held in farmer's hands

May 7, 2020

How To Promote Shade Coffee Farming In Puerto Rico

Like many other communities in the United States, farming on Puerto Rico is a challenging balance between protecting crops from climate change, supporting conservation, and maximizing capital. New research shows how coffee farmers make decisions on which crops to grow and what can be done to encourage shade farming practices.