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Michelle Jewell

Little brown bats Photo courtesy of Joseph Hoyt, Virginia Tech.

Jan 8, 2021

Bats With White-Nose Syndrome Choose Deadly Habitats

Bats afflicted with white-nose syndrome continue to chose deadly habitats, despite the consequences. This Nature Communications paper by Skylar Hopkins and team helps reveal an "ecological trap" set by an infectious disease. 

Jan 7, 2021

The Future of Wilderness

This student post by Bradley Allf asks what is the wilderness of the future? What is the future of conservation sentiment? And how will our stories and imaginations be impacted by the changes we make to wilderness?  

Dec 18, 2020

Gifts Created by Ecologists for Nature Lovers

Several of our alumni made their science into art making gifts that are perfect for any nature lover! 

April Sharp samples for macroinvertebrates in Lake Raleigh.

Dec 15, 2020

Undergraduate Research Opportunities 2020-2021

Check out the latest undergraduate research opportunities for next semester. 

Hunters moving through a thick grass field

Dec 14, 2020

The Future of Hunting in the United States

This student guest post by Cody Hinson looks at what the future of hunting in the USA might look like in the next 10, 50, or 100 years. 

Dec 10, 2020

Synthetic Biology and the Future

In this guest student blog, Elle finds out more about Synthetic Biology and its applications to our future world. 

Spring Fermentology at NCStateAEC Banner

Dec 8, 2020

Spring 2021 Fermentology Line-Up

Register now for the spring line-up of Fermentology mini-seminars and live Q&As with experts in fermented foods! 

Dec 8, 2020

Farmed Striped Bass Without Hormones Or The Price-tag

Ben Reading and pals have developed a method for farming striped bass more efficiently and less expensively, without hormones. 

Karen Lloyd near an iceberg

Dec 2, 2020

The Biome Deep, Deep Beneath Everything

Dive into the deepest biome on the planet with undergraduate Lucie Ciccone's interview with Karen Lloyd. 

Black bear image provided by Diana Lafferty.

Nov 30, 2020

Basic Bear Bowels Beget Barren Gut Biomes

Scientists have discovered that being a carnivore doesn't require as many guts as previously thought.