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Housing staff pose for an aerial photo on campus

May 8, 2020

University Housing Announces 2019-20 Student Staff of the Year Awards

NC State University Housing has recognized some of its most outstanding student workers with 2019-20 Student Staff of the Year Awards. 

Coffee beans held in farmer's hands

May 7, 2020

How To Promote Shade Coffee Farming In Puerto Rico

Like many other communities in the United States, farming on Puerto Rico is a challenging balance between protecting crops from climate change, supporting conservation, and maximizing capital. New research shows how coffee farmers make decisions on which crops to grow and what can be done to encourage shade farming practices. 

May 5, 2020

Courtney Smith Receives Undergraduate Research Award

Congratulations to Courtney Smith for receiving an Undergraduate Research Award to study pollinators with Dr. Elsa Youngsteadt this summer! 

Apr 24, 2020

Why Do People Care For Sourdough?

The lasted Fermentology mini-seminar was hosted by author and historian Matthew Booker, who used his family's history of sourdough to speculate about why people carry sourdough cultures with them around the world and down through generations.  

Applied Ecology minor research symposium

Apr 21, 2020

The 2020 Applied Ecology Minor Symposium

The applied ecology minor students presented their independent research projects this past week. View the full symposium here. 

Apr 20, 2020

Is Six Feet Enough? Sometimes, Maybe

As part of a continuing series of conversations about COVID–19 Prof. Rob Dunn sat virtually with Prof. Linsey Marr, Prof. Matt Koci, and Prof. Jack Gilbert to chat about the six feet rule. 

The Rob Dunn Lab Wild Sourdough Project

Apr 17, 2020

Seeking Wild Sourdough

Watch above for the first Fermentology mini-seminar where Lauren Nichols and Dr. Erin McKenney introduced Wild Sourdough. 

Jaime Collazo out birding at Jordan Lake

Apr 16, 2020

Jaime Collazo Recognized With American Ornithological Society Award

Every year, the American Ornithological Society honors members for their research and volunteer work. The 2020 Ralph W. Schreiber Conservation Award, honoring extraordinary conservation-related scientific contributions by an individual or small team, will be presented to Prof. Jaime Collazo. 

hands covered in flour

Apr 14, 2020

The Great Sourdough Mystery

Scientists are enlisting home bakers to solve age-old mysteries surround bread. 

Kate Gorman NSF Fellow

Apr 13, 2020

Kate Gorman Awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Soon-to-be Department of Applied Ecology graduate student, Kate Gorman, has been awarded a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!