Student Resources
Your most frequently asked questions, answered.
Distance Learning Tools
Request course credit for an internship
For students participating in summer internships seeking course credit, paperwork for the internship must be submitted to Dr. Russ by May 1.
Internship search
Keep an eye on weekly emails that are sent out from the ABM Undergraduate Programs Office. We always feature job/internship opportunities. Additionally, check in with the Coordinator of Advising for help with preparing to apply to and seeking internships. You can use ePACK and CALS Career Services as additional resources.
Enrollment and Course Management
ABM students begin their advising with the Coordinator of Advising for 1-2 years, then are assigned a faculty advisor who is an expert in the area of their desired career. While students are only required to meet with their advisors once per semester for registration purposes, we encourage students to cultivate a relationship that can help you network and grow as a student.
Change a course from credit to credit-only
To switch a class to credit only before the deadline, navigate to your schedule in the Enrollment Wizard. Using the “Edit” feature, change the grading basis to “Sat/Unsat”. Keep in mind that the only courses that ABM majors can take as credit-only are PE and free electives. A grade of C- of higher is required for satisfactory (S).

If you want to change your course from Credit to Credit-Only after the deadline, you will need to complete a Schedule Revision request in MyPack Portal. You must have extenuating circumstances that explain why you want to change the grading method and they must meet certain criteria as outlined by CALS Academic Programs. They may request additional information or paperwork prior to approval and approval is not guaranteed. Extenuating circumstances must exist to justify a change to credit-only after the drop/revision deadline.
Contact Robin Clements to discuss this if you have missed the deadline.
Get the books needed for your courses
You can find your booklist by logging into MyPack Portal and following this pathway to determine books required for courses.
Student Homepage > Planning & Enrollment > Class Schedule > View My Books (bottom left)
Your pop up blocker will need to be disabled to view your books, as the button opens a new webpage for the NCSU Bookstore.
Excess repeat error
If you receive an error that states you’ve taken a class over the allowed number of times, but you know you did not finish the class or did not earn credit (D- or higher), you need to complete a Schedule Revision request in MyPack Portal.
Add Accounting and Economics courses with restrictions
Some courses required by the ABM degree are housed in the Poole College of Management (PCOM). Thus, they control when ABM students can enroll for those courses and provide a timeline for each registration period. Make a note in your planner so that you can register for the classes you need in PCOM on the date registration opens for ABM majors and minors.
Drop a course
Keep in mind that dropping a class from your schedule may impact your academic progress, Financial Aid eligibility, and does not promise a full refund for the cost of the course. You should talk to Financial Aid, your advisor, and Athletics or Office of International Programs (where applicable) prior to dropping a course. There is no guarantee that course drops will be approved.
Pay attention to academic deadlines. Dropping a course varies based on the time of the semester.
Before census date
You can drop the class yourself in MyPack Portal as long as you are not dropping below 12 credit hours. Go to the Enrollment Wizard, visit the course you plan to drop, and click the box under “Drop”. Then, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the red bar “Drop”. You will receive a “W” and the class will not show on your transcript if you drop on or before the Census Date.
After Census Date, but before the last two weeks before the last day of classes
Initiate a course drop in this time frame via a Schedule Revision request in MyPack Portal.
Two weeks or less until the last day of classes
Initiate a course drop in this time frame with a Schedule Revision request in MyPack Portal and Supplemental Data Form (completed by the instructor). Documentation for your unforeseen medical, psychological, or dire personal/family hardship situation will also be required and you must meet certain standards for drop approval at this late date. You cannot drop a class at this date and beyond for the following reasons:
- I am doing poorly in the course
- The instructor told me I could/should drop the course
- I work too much to make the course a priority
- I don’t like how the course is taught/I don’t like the instructor
- I just learned that I don’t need this course for my degree
- I am transferring to another university
- My GPA needs to stay high
- Any other reason that is not medical, psychological, or dire personal/family hardship
Contact the Minor Coordinator for more information:
Contact your advisor with any questions.
Calendar and Time Management
Add your course schedule to your Google calendar:
- Log in to your MyPack Portal
- Click “Planning and Enrollment”
- Click “Enrollment Wizard” and select the current semester in the drop-down menu
- Click the “+” button, “add to Google calendar”
- Select all of your classes
- Click “Submit”
Share your Google calendar with someone else: Follow these steps to share your Google Calendar. You may be asked to do this with an advisor, classmates, groups, etc. Be sure to note the various types of access you can issue to another person.
Study Abroad
How to get approval for study abroad
- Attend a session at the Study Abroad Office to determine programs of interest.
- Once you’ve applied to Study Abroad, your advisor can approve courses.
- At times, your advisor may defer to the Coordinator of Advising to handle the paperwork.
- Do not take classes at an international campus that have not been approved by ABM.
The best time to study abroad
Plan to study abroad in your sophomore year or the first semester of your junior year for maximum credit opportunities.
Where to study abroad
As long as courses transfer to your degree plan, you can study anywhere there is a program already established. However, ABM does offer specific study abroad trips – usually in the summer. Contact the Study Abroad Office to learn about these uniquely tailored programs.
Getting Involved in ARE
Agribusiness Management Club: Students can join by attending meetings and completing the active status requirements (events throughout the year/semester) and paying $20/semester or $30/year. Email for information and/or visit the Club Fair the day before the first day of classes.
ARE Ambassador Program: ARE Ambassador interviews occur each spring semester during March and April. Keep an eye on the weekly emails sent out from the ARE Undergraduate Programs office for information about applications and interviews.
New and Future ARE Students
Math placement test
In order to determine whether you should enroll in MA 107 or MA 121, you must take the math placement test. Take this test even if you anticipate college credit or AP/IB credit for math placement as those credits may take time to post. If your college or test credit comes into NC State and places you into a higher class than the math placement test, we can enroll you in an alternate course at that time. If you have trouble with the test, please contact the Coordinator of Advising. We advise you to study for the placement test and suggest you use Kahn Academy online as a resource.
Change of Degree Application (CODA)
Students who wish to transition into the ABM major should first set up an appointment with the Undergraduate Teaching Coordinator to discuss the transition and classes to take to ensure admission to the program. Students can find CODA requirements online with deadlines for each CODA cycle.
Transfer Students
ARE welcomes transfer students. We have several PackTrac agreements with NC Community Colleges and welcome inquiries about this program or any alternative pathway to AgBusiness. We have pathways to our major via the certificate program, internal or external transfer, and PackTrac.
Who can help?
Academic Advising
You can find the name of your academic advisor in MyPack Portal. If you are unsure of your advisor or have any other questions about the information on this page, please contact:
CALS Career Services
CALS has its own designated Career Services office. Stop by 111 Patterson Hall for drop-in hours, or make an appointment via e-Pack or email.
Counseling Center
The NCSU Counseling Center provides assistance for students in a number of ways including group sessions, individual appointments, triage sessions (life-threatening emergencies), substance abuse counseling, and veteran counseling. Confidentiality is always honored. Call 919-515-2423, visit, or make an appointment if you feel you have a need for one or more of these services.
Health Center
Need a prescription refilled? Have a sinus infection and need to be checked out? Visit the Health Center on campus