SafePlates Team Creates COVID-19 Resources Now Being Used Across the US

Dr. Ben Chapman and the Safe Plates team have managed to provide COVID-19 resources that are currently being used across the United States. This includes over 50 resources created in the past 3 weeks being used in over 40 different states. Resources cover topics such as cleaning and disinfection, risk reduction at farmers markets, grocery stores, and within restaurant staff.
“Personally, I’ve completed over 130 media interviews since COVID-19 has emerged. These interviews have resulted in my comments appearing in over 900 print, radio, TV and web news stories including CNN, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Associated Press, NBC news, New Yorker, Los Angeles Times, Huffington Post, Vox, the Atlantic, NPR among others. With more and more requests arriving daily.” Dr. Chapman explains.
The Safe Plates team has made it their number one priority to equip agents with the proper materials needed to share with counties across the state by diligently updating their resources and adding translations to ensure they have the best quality evidence-based information for their communities. The team has hosted multiple Zoom training sessions with FCS agents and local food coordinators as well.
Dr. Chapman has collaborated with colleague, Lee-Ann Jaykus, on internal and external communications including supporting a CALS webinar on SARS CoV-2 as well as an NC State News Services Abstract post on the science of what we know and don’t know located here:
To access the COVID-19 create resources visit, or email, Dr. Ben Chapman, or Natalie Seymour at:
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