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WVa workshop will address firewood processing

Extension agents and firewood-related businesses are invited to attend the Profitable Firewood Processing Workshop, Sept. 27, at the Wood Education and Resource Center, Princeton, W.Va. The day-long workshop (9 a.m. – 4 p.m.) is hosted by the Wood Products Extension Department at North Carolina State University, Wood Education and Resource Center and Independent Sawmill and Woodlot Magazine.

This workshop will address business issues of the firewood processing industry, including sales and marketing of firewood, selecting equipment for processing and packaging firewood, dry kiln drying methods and equipment, heating systems for dry kilns, insect problems and firewood quarantines, financing options for firewood businesses, sourcing logs for firewood operations, what brokers and firewood buyers want in specifications from firewood producers and market research methods for finding firewood buyers.

The workshop is open to the firewood industry, including firewood processing equipment vendors, dry kiln and wood boiler manufacturers, firewood brokers and chain store buyers, Cooperative Extension wood products specialists and professors, county Extension agents, landowners, foresters, state forestry departments, forestry non-profit organizations and others who want to learn the latest information about firewood processing.

Cost to attend is $35. For more information, contact: Harry Watt, N.C. State University, or 704-880-5034. WERC project website: