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Mike Walden

Grapes on a conveyor

May 20, 2016

Ag and agbiz worth $84 billion in NC

Agriculture and agribusiness – food, fiber and forestry — make up an $84 billion-a-year industry in North Carolina, contributing one-sixth of the state’s income and employees, according to the latest figures from NC State University economist Mike Walden. 

Jan 4, 2013

Walden receives Order of Long Leaf Pine award

Dr. Mike Walden, William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor of agricultural and resource economics and N.C. Cooperative Extension economist, is a recipient of North Carolina's Order of the Long Leaf Pine award. 

Aug 31, 2012

YOU DECIDE: What's the best approach to Medicare?

Medicare spending is off the charts and could soon become an unsustainable chunk of the federal budget. Mike Walden discusses competing plans for reigning in Medicare spending. 

Jun 8, 2012

YOU DECIDE: What's the meaning of super-low interest rates?

The interest rate paid on 10-year U.S. Treasury notes fell to it's lowest point ever recently. What does that super-low rate mean for your and the nation's economy? Mike Walden discusses. 

Apr 27, 2012

YOU DECIDE: Can we do anything about gas prices?

There are few parts to our economy that get people riled up more than rising gas prices. But what, if anything, can we do about the escalating cost of gas. Mike Walden discusses. 

Feb 3, 2012

YOU DECIDE: Is manufacturing back?

Is manufacturing headed back to being a dominant part of the U.S. and North Carolina economies? Mike Walden discusses. 

May 13, 2011

YOU DECIDE: Do the 'sigificant six' control our future?

Mike Walden argues that we can better understand where the economy is headed by looking at six factors that drive the economy. 

Apr 15, 2011

YOU DECIDE: Can good deeds and economics coincide?

Isn't economics about cutthroat competition and profits at all costs? Perhaps not. Mike Walden discusses. 

Feb 18, 2011

YOU DECIDE: Why aren’t the jobs coming back?

The economy is improving, but unemployment is still high. What's going on? Mike Walden discusses.