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Mike Walden

Economist Mike Walden

Oct 17, 2016

Economic Perspective: Why Are Interest Rates Continuing to be Low?

Interest rates have continued to be at a historic low recently. What factors could be playing into this? NC State University economist Mike Walden looks at the potential reasons. 

Aerial view of downtown Raleigh

Oct 14, 2016

You Decide: Are There “Excesses” Building in the Economy?

The word “excess” generally has a bad meaning in our society. It implies too much of a good thing that can lead to problems later. NC State University economist Mike Walden outlines economic "excesses" that could spell trouble. 

Economist Mike Walden

Oct 10, 2016

Economic Perspective: Destination Downtown

Business headquarters used to be setting up shop in the suburbs. How does the rising millennial workforce effect the location of these headquarters? Hear NC State University economist Mike Walden's take on the issue. 

NC State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences professor Dr. Mike Walden working in a recording studio.

Oct 3, 2016

Economic Perspective: Another Hit to Small Towns

Small towns have their own set of challenges to overcome with constantly changing world of technology. What kind of effect has the spike in e-commerce had on the small town? 

Construction work on Hillsborough Street

Sep 30, 2016

You Decide: Why Are So Many Men Not Working

In the late 1940s, 6 percent of prime working-age men were not employed and were not looking for work. Today, that rate is 14 percent. Translated to numbers, 1 million prime, working-age men in the late 1940s were out of the labor force – today the number is 7 million. What factors are causing this to rise? 

Economist Mike Walden

Sep 19, 2016

Economic Perspective: Why are Groceries Getting Cheaper?

Have you noticed your receipt being a little lighter on grocery runs recently? NC State University economist Mike Walden looks at the factors that could be causing those prices to drop. 

Aerial view of cottages and beach homes at Holden Beach

Sep 16, 2016

You Decide: The Iron Law of Real Estate

The idea that we have to pay more for locations closer to city centers makes logical sense. It's part of the "Iron Law of Real Estate." What other factors play into this law though? And how can advancing technology alter it? 

Economist Mike Walden

Sep 12, 2016

Economic Perspective: Cisco Shakeup

Do the layoffs at Cisco Systems have larger implications on the technology sector as a whole, particularly in North Carolina? NC State University economist Mike Walden addresses the recent issue. 

NC State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences professor Dr. Mike Walden working in a recording studio.

Sep 5, 2016

Economic Perspective: Competing Economic Plans

With the coming election, there are two different takes between the major candidates on how to handle the economy. Mike Walden addresses the differences between these two ways of thinking. 

NC State Belltower through window

Sep 2, 2016

You Decide: Have We Won the War on Poverty

One of President Johnson’s domestic initiatives was the “war on poverty”. The goal was to significantly reduce the prevalence of poverty through a combination of financial assistance and skill development allowing individuals to become self-sufficient. How can we measure these programs to determine if they've been effective over time?